我们在service center会合后,就向部落的village走去.到了路口看到几排土墙和干草屋顶的小屋,很像电影lord of the ring--little creepy guy's house, 草屋有圆也有方,乱乱的排列着.
有个topless小孩站在不远处看着我们,手和脚很瘦贴着骨头但肚子鼓的像球感觉就是typical的营养不好,我就忍不住低叫"Jesus,somebody get that kid a sandwich!""welcome to Africa~" Shawn挥手大声的说,队友们都笑了. 我们跟小孩say hello他却跑了,马上就有1堆小孩跑过来对我们笑,很快就听到阵阵鼓声从远处传来.人也越来越多,有男的有女的有小孩有老人,大家都围着我们笑眯眯的.
PRIMARY 5 ENGLISH - Curriculum excerpts:
1.Help the pupil develop the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading & writing.
2.Interact with the students
3.Listening to poems/rhymes
4.Listening to instructions, story-telling, conversation, drama,
5.Anomalous finites (modals: must, have to, should, ought to, need to)
6.Adverbs of more than one word, prepositions, adjectives, direct and reported speech
7.More about quantifiers (some, any, few, a few, little, a little, many, much, both, all, a majority, the majority)
8.Idioms and idiomatic expressions
JUNIOR HIGH MATH - Curriculum excerpts
1.Develop the habits of diligence, perseverance, confidence and precision as a result of their mathematical training.
2.Develop basic ideas of quantity and space, use basic mathematics and necessary strategies for solving problems encountered in daily life by recognizing relationships between numbers
3.Reason logically by selecting and applying criteria for classification and generalization, communicate effectively using mathematical terms and symbols.
4.Use appropriate instruments for various systems of measurement. Carry out investigations using various mathematical ideas and operations.
5.Numeration systems, Linear equations and inequalities, Angles, Collecting and handling data, Rational numbers, Geometric constructions.
6.Shape and space, Algebraic expressions, Number plane, Properties of quadrilaterals, ratio and proportion.