你说‘Saying a soldier needs to be like soldier and those craps.’
If a soldier does not need to be like a soldier, then what does a soldier need to be like? a GIRLY MAN----雷死敌人?
tzuuyi 发表评论于
I don't agree with some of the comments here. Yes, most of the Chinese soldiers do not have to face the extreme prejudice here. However, have you ever heard a black soldier commit suicide because of the white comrade's abusive actions? No. Why? This is because everyone knows if you did that, all hell broke loose. There will be tremendous pressure from the white house, from the congress and they will see to it to the end. And why is that? It is because in the past black people knows how to fight their right every step of the way and gradually gain the upper hand. Now whoever done that can expect opposite side of extreme prejudice themselves. Even in hollywood movie, no one will cast black people as bad guy nowadays.
I know Asian people will try to reason every step of the way. Saying a soldier needs to be like soldier and those craps. Seems if you can't handle the soldier duty then you shouldn't and if you happen to be one and then got abused and commit suicide then , well, let's move on. This is the mentality that got Asian got pushed over if something bad happened. Yes, most of the Asian soldiers live fine but that does not make you eligible to criticize the fallen comrade. Who knows what is getting into their mind.
zhu12 发表评论于
我十几岁才出国,英语口音重,人高但很瘦,因为普通大学 毕业时找不到好的工作,我就参军了。像我这样在军队里应该日子不好过巴,但恰恰向反,几年省下了不少钱,后来结婚买房子基本不花父母钱,退役后拿了特别奖学金读了不错 的MBA. 军队里几年公费去了5个国家,在Phillipine date了一个女主持人。在Thailand 作liaison officer的时候see more women's ass than a toilet seat. 这些机会都是美军给的。歧视也曾发生,但人家对你骂的时候眼睛看着他的鼻子,无所谓的表情,脑子想着裸体女人,一会儿就过去了。老外接触多了,很多人还 过得没我好了,没必要在乎他们想设么。表面要客气,跟着他们喊喊口号,但心里想着拿好处,和在中国参军一样。
九叔 发表评论于
flauto 发表评论于
Believe or not. I am in the Army and I play the flute in the same time for the Army. I would say that I have to agree with that not every person should be a solider. I have been in the Army for over 4 years and I went through some stuff. A strong mind is the key to be in this special group. Playing the flute indeed does not show that I am a weak person. I earned respect because of it. It does not matter what job in do. You need to be good at it.
Hey, Man. some people join the service to make themselvs a better man or woman. Unfortunately, there are always failure.
Of course, I will beat the shit of the soldier who slept on duty. But not everyone can handle the stress.
Two examples.
1) I had a soldier slept on duty also. Because he counldn't sleep for 4 days due to combate stress. Should he get punished?
2) I had another soldier slept on duty and didn't sleep for 4 days, because he played games for all nights. What should we do about him?
ssg.lin 发表评论于
You are so right Sir......But I still show my respect to the "suicided falling comerades" They tried. and I like to say that the Chines suicide ratio is pretty low. 3 out of thousands.
zephyr2012 发表评论于
i will salute to you first
zephyr2012 发表评论于
well said.
for the guys lack of manhood, they should not be a soldiers. go to play piano, violin, or play chess,go to chinese school.
but, you never be respected by men and women in this country.when disaster come, our chinese america women and children have to rely on real America men to protect us.
It is personality. Not really related with race. I worked in a air force base years ago. There was a white guy who A.W.O.L and was caught. He was put into a psychiatry hospital.