回复gaming的评论: 海曼,don't be so defensive, I was just for fun. Whatever I wrote would not hurt Stanley Park, would not hurt Vancouver, would not hurt Canada either. Life is full of fun. Even I say Stanley Park sucks, it did not really suck, right? I read your Wikipedia, thanks a lot.
Enjoy your half million trees in Stanley, :-)
fanny1789 发表评论于
Stanley Park是只用交一次钱,在规定的时间内就可以停所有的停车场的啊
gaming 发表评论于
LZ一边呕一边逛精神可嘉。老实说作为一个温哥华华人,俺也不觉得Stanley park 有什么好逛的,不过它就是名声在外,LZ你有什么办法, 呵呵。以下摘自Wikipedia:
It is more than 10% larger than New York City's Central Park and almost half the size of London's Richmond Park.[2] The park attracts an estimated eight million visitors every year,[3] including locals and tourists, who come for its recreational facilities and its natural attributes. A paved 8.8 kilometres (5.5 mi) seawall path circles the park, which is used by 2.5 million pedestrians, cyclists, and inline skaters every year.[4] Much of the park remains forested with an estimated half million trees, some of which stand as tall as 76 metres (249 ft) and are up to hundreds of years old.[5][6] There are approximately 200 kilometres (120 mi) of trails and roads in the park, which are patrolled by the Vancouver Police Department's equine mounted squad.[7] The Project for Public Spaces has ranked Stanley Park as the sixteenth best park in the world and sixth best in North America.[8]