包罗万象沙拉 - kitchen sink salad
曾经看过一篇文章, 说每人每天要吃30种类的食品, 吃这个沙拉, 就差不多拉.
哈哈… 把家里的冰箱, 食品柜, 翻一遍, 找来这些, 就一大盘了,
1 bag of Arugula, washed and spin dried, 芝麻菜
2 can of Albacore Tuna, drained, 长鳍金枪鱼,
½ LB farfalle pasta, cooked,意面
1 jar of hearts of palm, drained and sliced, 棕榈心
1 cup of Kalamata olives, 橄榄油浸黑橄榄drain, keep whole
½ Red onion, thinly sliced, rinsed under cold water, 红洋葱
1 can Chickpeas, drained, 鹰嘴豆
2 roasted red bell pepper, sliced, 烤红甜椒
4 hardboiled eggs, sliced, 水煮蛋,
1 large tomato, sliced, 番茄,
1 nectarine, sliced, 油桃,
1 cup golden raisins, 金色葡萄干
½ cup sliced almonds, 杏仁片
¼ cup fresh sweet basil, julienned, 新鲜罗勒
Extra-virgin olive oil, 初榨橄榄油
Red wine vinegar, 红葡萄酒醋
Lemon juice, 柠檬汁
Dijon mustard, 芥末酱
Honey, 蜂蜜
Dried Italian herb mix, 干意大利香草混合
Salt & pepper, 盐和胡椒

4 芒果肉,
1 柠檬, 皮和汁
全部用blender打成泥, 用冰棋淋机搅拌, 可以马上吃, 也可以再冻硬点吃.