天堂的风 (八)夏威夷 Maui • 天涯路

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从Kahului 往西北走的340公路,是一条蜿蜒于悬崖峭壁之上的乡村狭窄土路,我称之为绝壁天涯路,这也是我一生开过最惊险的一条路。


而这一路又是惊心动魄的美!可惜眼睛只能扫扫,必须专心开车,险处不敢奢望,更无处停车拍照,真让人抓狂。照片上能拍到的己是在坡缓路宽,或在偶而的几处可以停车之地,好在游客不多。旅游书上不见重墨介绍,所以没有拍摄准备,本想走马观花绕道一下,也没安排在好的时段,可惜了。个人感觉比著名的Hana Highway 还美,只是太险,不易向公众推荐。


上网去找 Maui route 340, 会有一些评论和介绍:
The Kahekili Highway (County Route 340) could be West Maui’s answer to the Hana Highway. But unlike the Hana Highway, it’s a mystery to most visitors. Because it wasn’t paved until the mid-1990s, many tourist maps show it as a dirt road (if they show it at all). And some car rental contracts still prohibit driving on it. They either haven’t bothered to change the contracts, or else they don’t want people risking their cars on such a challenging road. You might want to make this trip after you’ve had some practice for it on the Hana Highway. The Kahekili Highway is even narrower, steeper, and slower, with more blind curves but fewer guardrails separating your car from a hundred-meter plunge into a valley. It’s definitely a thrill ride, but it’s really quite safe if you take it slowly and carefully. My lawyer insists that I admonish you not to try it you’re tired or jet-lagged, if you’ve had any alcohol, or if it’s raining.






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天空飞鸟那张真美. 送我当新屋礼物? :)) 请你们全家来玩哈, ANYTIME!