/> /> /> />> | ||
/> /> /> />> | 落幕泥还说: 那些支持总统(奥巴马)的是47%那些不交税的穷人,他们习惯依赖政府。 这番话是落幕泥在招待30名为他竞选大掏腰包的百万富豪捐款人时说的掏心窝子的私房话,没有料想有人将这番无意与外人说道的私心话,也是真心话,这番关着门对他所最信任的支持者说的悄悄话,却被人捅了出来,泄露给媒体,有录音,有真相,疯传网络,在一网站不到24小时便有2万多表示“like”和5万多条评论*。落幕泥以富人身份对穷人的鄙夷,暴露得相当完整,且不说他的说法根本不对。奥巴马的支持者大多数是交税的人,中产阶级,的确没有落幕泥那样富裕,在他眼中便统统都是穷人。据信息更新,落幕同鞋自己也承认,话说得确实不太冠冕堂皇(not elegantly stated),但是说了就说了,没有歉意。 *在一个小时内便有2万多表示“like”飞快升级为3万多,5万多条评论飞快升级为6万(67753 @12AM)。有一条评论是:Sixty-eight thousand comments... let's get this up to one million and every one a vote for Obama. My two cents; hey Mitt, the amount spent on needless welfare is probably five percent of the amount spent on CORPORATE WELFARE for oil companies, military contractors and agribusiness. Not to mention the billions lost because the capital gains tax was reduced to 15% - benefiting whom, I wonder? | /> /> /> />>
-- 保罗.赖安连夜赶回威斯康星打广告拉赞助为保住他的国会议员位子的连任而竞选活动,一颗红心两手准备,对当副总统似乎不存幻想。看来真是让落幕同鞋的自残行为伤透了心啊/好失望耶。不过颇这人头脑看样子还算蛮清醒的。
-- 一位网络评论员写道( "shaggyct"/I like conservatives. They taste like chicken. Yum/2961 Fans):
Dear Gov. Romney,
Thank you for your application for the position of Commander-in-Chief. Unfortunately, we regret to inform you that your application was unsuccessful, and we have decided to retain the current occupant of this position.
We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
The American People