这四种新的亚型为:1)luminal A;2)luminal B; 3)basal-like;and 4)HER2-enriched (HER2E)。
The luminal A subtype harboured the most significantly mutated genes, with the most frequent being PIK3CA (45%), followed by MAP3K1, GATA3, TP53, CDH1 and MAP2K4. Twelve per cent of luminal A tumours contained likely inactivating mutations in MAP3K1 and MAP2K4, which represent two contiguous steps in the p38–JNK1 stress kinase pathway。
Luminal B cancers exhibited a diversity of significantly mutated genes, with TP53 and PIK3CA (29% each) being the most frequent.
Basal-like cancers have TP53 mutations occurred in 80% of cases and the majority of the luminal significantly mutated gene repertoire, except PIK3CA (9%), were absent or near absent.
HER2E subtype has frequent HER2 amplification (80%), had a hybrid pattern with a high frequency of TP53 (72%) and PIK3CA (39%) mutations and a much lower frequency of other significantly mutated genes including PIK3R1 (4%).
The new finding offers hints that one type of breast cancer might be vulnerable to drugs that already work against ovarian cancer.
The study, published online Sunday by the journal Nature, is the latest example of research into the biological details of tumors, rather than focusing primarily on where cancer arises in the body.
The hope is that such research can reveal cancer's genetic weaknesses for better drug targeting.
"With this study, we're one giant step closer to understanding the genetic origins of the four major subtypes of breast cancer," Dr. Matthew Ellis of the Washington University School of Medicine said in a statement. He is a co-leader of the research.
"Now we can investigate which drugs work best for patients based on the genetic profiles of their tumors," he said.
The researchers analyzed DNA of breast cancer tumors from 825 patients, looking for abnormalities. Altogether, they reported, breast cancers appear to fall into four main classes when viewed in this way.
One class showed similarities to ovarian cancers, suggesting it may be driven by similar biological developments.
"It's clear they are genetically more similar to ovarian tumors than to other breast cancers," Ellis said. "Whether they can be treated the same way is an intriguing possibility that needs to be explored."
The report is the latest from the Cancer Genome Atlas, a federally funded project that has produced similar analyses for brain, colorectal, lung, and ovarian cancers.
这项研究意义非凡,著名的乳腺癌专家Martine Piccart教授讲到,目前乳腺癌的分类分型过于简单,使得我们在选择病人的治疗上无法达到最优。我一点都不感到惊讶,乳腺癌不止4种分型,而至少有10种亚型,我相信这项发现会让我们更好的治疗患者,尽管这可能还需要10年。

The genomic and transcriptomic architecture of 2,000 breast tumours reveals novel subgroups
Christina Curtis, Sohrab P. Shah, Suet-Feung Chin, Gulisa Turashvili, Oscar M. Rueda, Mark J. Dunning, Doug Speed, Andy G. Lynch, Shamith Samarajiwa, Yinyin Yuan, Stefan Grf, Gavin Ha, Gholamreza Haffari,Ali Bashashati, Roslin Russel Steven McKinney, METABRIC Group, Anita Langerd, Andrew Green, Elena Provenzano,8 Gordon Wishart, Sarah Pinder, Peter Watson, Florian Markowetz,Leigh Murphy
The elucidation of breast cancer subgroups and their molecular drivers requires integrated views of the genome and transcriptome from representative numbers of patients. We present an integrated analysis of copy number and gene expression in a discovery and validation set of 997 and 995 primary breast tumours, respectively, with long-term clinical follow-up. Inherited variants (copy number variants and single nucleotide polymorphisms) and acquired somatic copy number aberrations (CNAs) were associated with expression in ~40% of genes, with the landscape dominated by cis- and trans-acting CNAs. By delineating expression outlier genes driven in cis by CNAs, we identified putative cancer genes, including deletions in PPP2R2A, MTAP and MAP2K4. Unsupervised analysis of paired DNA–RNA profiles revealed novel subgroups with distinct clinical outcomes, which reproduced in the validation cohort. These include a high-risk, oestrogen-receptor-positive 11q13/14 cis-acting subgroup and a favourable prognosis subgroup devoid of CNAs. Trans-acting aberration hotspots were found to modulate subgroup-specific gene networks, including a TCR deletion-mediated adaptive immune response in the ‘CNA-devoid’ subgroup and a basal-specific chromosome 5 deletion-associated mitotic network. Our results provide a novel molecular stratification of the breast cancer population, derived from the impact of somatic CNAs on the transcriptome.