今年6月,我在文学城看到一则标题为"一对美国夫妇20年抚养900名中国孤儿"的新闻 (见:http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2012/06/01/1804375.html )深为感动。尤其让我震撼的是文章的最后一张照片。它在我心中有一种挥之不去的感召力。。。终于在9月的一天,我给照片的主人贝天牧(TIM BAKER)写了封EMAIL,请求他允许我画这张照片,我要把它画成油画送给他。我在EMAIL中说,我虽然是一工程师,但我还是an artist, an amateur oil painter...If you allow me (paint this photo), I will put all my heartfelt energy to paint, to express my admiration of your love, compassion and humanity... 我没有给他看我画过的人像画,更没有告他我的"part time oil painting career"只有19个月。
TIM 收到我的EMAIL第二天就回信说,I would love for you to paint that photo of me and the little boy with the cleft lip named Jamie. That would be such a blessing...
我很高兴我可以着手画了。TIM没有怀疑我的能力,可我真的是an artist, an amateur oil painter as I claimed? 我真的能画出使他满意的油画么?我在画之前反复想这个问题,最后我觉得我一定能画好。因为,我这画张画是为了BENEFIT牧羊地儿童村的孩子们,我用我的爱心去表现TIM的爱心,God will help me! With God help, I can do it:-)
的确,我画这幅画画得很顺利。画完后,把画的相片给TIM看,请他看哪些地方需要修改。他回EMAIL说,The painting looks great....I love it just the way it is...
Can't believe you only had 19-m oil painting experience, but did such wonderful job on this "Big Love". From the express of Tim's face, I saw Jesus, Jesus's Big Love. God bless you and your family!