最近,网上出现一篇题为《你永远无法成为中国人》的文章。作者马克. 基多在文章中说:“你一定知道这样一句谚语:生命中什么都不是必然的,除了死亡和纳税。但我想加上这第三条必然:你永远无法成为中国人,不论你多么努力、多么渴望、多么自命不凡。"
对此篇文章的反映不一。一位网友说:“Well, at first remember this, nobody forced you to come to China, neither your parents nor your God. Secondly, don't try to change China when you are not a citizen of China. Thirdly and last, don't spit on others when you leave. Thank you, have a nice trip, please don't come back!"
注:马克·基多(Mark Kitto),北威尔士人,活跃于上海的作家和知名出版人,《That's Shanghai 》杂志创办人,在中国生活了16年。
Have a nice day!