Denis Noble is one of the pioneers of Systems Biology and developed the first viable mathematical model of the working heart in 1960. His research focuses on using computer models of biological organs and organ systems to interpret function from the molecular level to the whole organism. Together with international collaborators, his team has used supercomputers to create the first virtual organ, the virtual heart. He is also a philosopher of biology, and the author of :"The Music of Life."
[感想] 听着音乐,自己常会自问: 人的生命为什么有音乐?人类为什么需要音乐?音乐会把人带到哪里-多远/多深的地方? 音乐为什么会让人感动? 感动又是一种什么样的过程?.........
如果当年人类选择的交流工具是音乐而不是语言, 我们的世界会又会怎样呢?