月黑风高---世界上最凶险的歌-- Bad moon rising 翻译/翻唱imagine45 2011-10-20 16:03:12
(John Fogerty----Bad moon rising.
我看见险恶的月亮升起 我看见风雪来的急 我看见地动山摇闪电 我看见最坏的天气 I see a bad moon a-rising. I see trouble on the way. I see earth quakes and lightning. I see bad times today.
别乱跑今晚 你一定有生命危险 在这月黑风高的天 Don't go 'round tonight it's bound and take your life, there's a bad moon on the rise.
我听见大雨加上龙卷 我知道地球就快完 我害怕江河水要倒流 我感到怒吼的大自然 I hear hurricanes a-blowing, I know the end is coming soon. I fear rivers over flowing. I hear the voice of rage and ruin.
别乱跑今晚 你一定有生命危险 在这月黑风高的天 Don't go 'round tonight it's bound and take your life, there's a bad moon on the rise.
希望你已经准备一切 准备向生命来告别 为何大自然要报复 以牙还牙以眼还眼 Hope you got your things together. Hope you are quit prepared to die. Look's like we're in for nasty weather. One eye is taken for an eye.
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---吓死没---there's a bad moon on the rise.