中秋赏玫瑰:Sugar Moon
Mid-Autumn Festival apprécier rose: Sucre Lune
Hybrid Tea Roses
24213 - Sugar Moon Hybrid Tea Rose Rosa WEKmemolo
| (PPAF)This exquisite pure white hybrid tea glows like moonlight and smells like heaven. The full, classically formed blooms are saturated with intensely sweet citrus and rose fragrance that nearly bowls you over. Big, pointed buds spiral open to show off broad petals. Very dark green, glossy leaves make the white flowers pop all the more. Good rebloom, natural vigor, superior disease resistance and long stems make this a perfect rose for garden display, the showbench, floral arrangements and above all, for smelling! Flower size: 4-5". Fragrance: Intense sweet citrus and rose. Hybridizer: Bedard 2012. http://www.edmundsroses.com/dp.asp?pID=24213&c=6&p=Sugar |
(步鲁迅文体之韵而习之)今年初春,好奇之下,在花园里植入两株玫瑰,一株是Sugar Moon,还有一株也是Sugar Moon,果然名不虚传。[注一]
下面是网络上的Sugar Moon玫瑰(多图):
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