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NATO Military Policy on Psychological Operations


1. The role of Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) is to induce or reinforce the perceptions. attitudes and behaviour of North Atlantic Council (NAC) approved audiences in support of Alliance political and military objectives. Additionally, PSYOPS can mitigate the effective use of hostile propaganda against friendly forces, local civilian audiences and other audiences of importance to NATO.


2. The pervasive and ubiquitous nature of today’s global Information Environment (IE). including the importance of virtual and physical social networks and new media has increased the demand and importance of effective PSYOPS. This has been exacerbated by NATO’s involvement in Non-Article 5 Crisis Response Operations and information attacks against NATO and its member nations. In today’s IE, NATO can expect to operate for an extended period of time with limited resources in areas where sophisticated indigenous media, traditional communication and information from external sources compete to influence the perceptions of local audiences. The organisation, state, or entity more able to effectively and rapidly influence the understanding of a crisis or conflict, especially inducing or reinforcing the perceptions of particular influential audiences, will likely be the most successful.


3. PSYOPS are an indispensable part of the broad range of modern Military, Political, Economic, Civilian and Information (MPEC(I)) activities aimed at conflict prevention and crisis response. PSYOPS may multiply the effects of military capabilities by communicating messages directly through all available means, thus influencing the perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of their intended audiences.


4. The application of PSYOPS can have a significant impact in the long and short term to influence behaviour and act as a force multiplier and enabler to enhance NATO military capabilities. The principles of developing a PSYOPS plan apply across the full spectrum of operational themes (combat, security, and peace support) as discussed in AJP-1 and military activities (offensive, defensive, stability and enabling) as discussed in AJP-3. Although the complexity of the methodology varies with the audiences, basic considerations for the development of all PSYOPS actions are the same.


5. In order to preserve Alliance and PSYOPS credibility, PSYOPS are based on true and factual information, and are generally attributed to NATO or a concurring partner nation or organization.

(为了维护洗脑工程的信誉,洗脑工程必需依据北约通告各有关机构的真实事实信息。{所以,民运人士的非毛反孙言论都在浩瀚复杂的历史中选择了他们需要构造的感觉的事实,这里给出两个例子【1】 、【2】})

6. NATO PSYOPS are part of the wider NATO Strategic Communications (StratCom) effort which aims to enhance coherence of all information and communication activities and capabilities as described in Reference A. At the strategic level the NAC and the Military Committee (MC) provide guidance to the Strategic Commanders through the Operational Planning Process (OPP) and StratCom guidance documents as described in References A and B. Through SHAPE's Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD), PSYOPS incorporates this guidance on operational and tactical levels in support of the Commander's operational objectives. NATO PSYOPS will be coordinated in line with other capabilities affecting the IE by the Information Operations (Info Ops)function. PSYOPS can contribute to other Information Activities (lA).


7. PSYOPS can support objectives at all levels from the strategic to tactical within the full spectrum of operations. PSYOPS conducted at the operational and tactical level are the responsibility of the respective NATO Commander and will be in consonance with NATO strategic objectives.







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