2004年大选,民主党全国代表大会,奥巴马作为非洲裔代表,被邀请在大会上演讲。他确实有演讲天分和煽动性。他当时的口号是:not white america, not black america, but United State of America,俨然一副统和各族裔的架势。可惜的是,他当总统的四年,族裔割裂进一步加大,他在白人选民的得票率低于40%,仅依靠非洲裔和拉丁裔的支持而当选。他在全美国选票中,仅获得50%的选票。
Please continue to think the way you (and other conservatives) think, as you have demonstrated here. Nothing will make liberals happier if you choose to blame the media and everything else for Romney's defeat. If you do, the Republicans will be sure to lose more elections in the future.
You know, the facts have a liberal bias. So, go ahead and blame the media!
cu29 发表评论于
Shocking how dumb that guy(觅葆难) is. He makes Joe Biden seem like a Rhodes Scholar.
cu29 发表评论于
Obama = Lies, Divisiveness and Recession.
Remember the promise President Obama made just after his inauguration in 2009? “Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”........Instead, Americans have suffered through lies, stonewalling, cover-ups, corruption, secrecy, scandal and blatant disregard for the rule of law…this has been the Obama legacy for the last four years....
cu29 发表评论于
我们“冒犯”了又一个The LOWER IQ's Demographic.
( 有的民主党人 dont even know the difference between "Income Tax" and "Capital Gains tax".)
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias."--Stephen Colbert
cu29 发表评论于
Time line of events in Benghazi:
12:45pm, the attack started (our time) Washington officials watched it happen in real time video. By no later than 5pm, We know the president was informed and that Obama went to bed.
Our officials knew for 4-hours, and did nothing, nada, to Help. We had 3 air bases within reach and an aircraft carrier. Someone made a decision to say "NO" - It wasn't a low life Walter Mitty, Who was it" ... Don't know .... President its said was is BED. We know on the 12th of September, he informed the nation and "Flew Off To Vegas" - Then on to a tour of TV talk shows yucking in up. So ..? Maybe .... He was in bed
Stevens died at 8pm (our time), plenty of time for help, support to have reached our embassy, 6-hours in 2 more had died, 8-hours in another had died
We watched a large well armed, organized militia (carrying the flag of al-Qaeda),engage our embassy personnel for 7-hours, and ... we did nothing ....We watched our embassy personnel die in "real time" and no help was sent.
Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, the buck stops with you! You LIED! - 4 Good Americans Died! Then Obama tried to sell the world a cartoon caused this mess. 35 attacks on the US, 4 dead, and Obama's words, it wasn't optimal?!
Obama froze, a president can never freeze!
fengxiang 发表评论于
说得太对了. 美国的媒体完全丧失了职业道德. 没有一点公正.
Sam大树 发表评论于
wxc8e 发表评论于
LZ and many Romney's supportors' problem: Believe only what you believe...This history professor predicted 2 yrs ago that Obama will be reelected.
Really? Who is complaining about the media here? Why don't you just go watch FoxNews?
cu29 发表评论于
When Obama called on the seals, they killed Bin Laden. When the seals (in Benghazi) called Obama, he let them die.
It's TOO BAD Obama didn't respond BIG and FURIOUS in Benghazi.
Ex-Navy Seals Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods held off an entire platoon of terrorists for 7 hours at the Benghazi Consulate. They voluntarily tried to save Ambassador Chris Stevens and his Aide Sean Smith.
The White House and State Department watched them die from the situation room in the White House. Obama had Marines one hour away. He had two aircraft bases within an hour of Benghazi. There were C-130 Gun Ships ready to go. BUT OBAMA DID NOTHING.
mehaa 发表评论于
Are you that dumb? Your liberal media now is your party wing. We want a media which report the truth and real news and let people make their own call.
mehaa 发表评论于
When republicans say we will consider give anmesty to illegals here. Democrats say we will give amnesty and in-state college tuition. Republicans say we will consider the in-state college tuition as well. Democrats say we will give them free college education. Republicans say that's it. We will never outdo them in terms of giving away stuff because this is going to ruin our country. Then democrats tell illegal latinos, see republicans hate you and don't want you to be here, we are nice to you and will give you this and that, so vote for us. then they voted for them.
Election has consequences. I say let it burn, people are not going to wake up until it hits the rock bottom. If that's the way it has to be, so be it. My family and I will be prepared. So should you my like-minded friends.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." I don't need government as my master.
who is John Galt.
RugerGP100 发表评论于
At lease Romney was a graceful loser, unlike some sour losers who just don't deserve any respect.You want a media that is controlled by the "party" like in China?
mehaa 发表评论于
Here is how Liberal media and Obama campaign work,
When GOP say we don't want tax payers' money to fund free contraception. Liberal say oh see how evil those republicans are anti-women. They want to ban contraception.
When two stupid local GOP candidates said something about abortion. Liberal tell you oh those evil repoblicans want to ban abortion. Even though Romney's stance on abortion is just as same as that of Cliton which is legal,rare and safe.
When GOP say we want to secure our border which I think most countries secure their borders and we don't want to give illegal immigrants anmesty because it's unfair for those legal immigrants who are still waiting for years in line to come to this country, but we are not going to round them up and send them home. Then Liberals say those evil republicans hate latinos and minorities. Really?
Of course, MSNBC is a far left network, ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN are all left leaning. Only one fox is a right leaning network. Yet you are telling they have no impact on people's perception on candidates?
Yesterday on MSNBC one of their programe's co-host said this "Now I do what to see Mitt Romney in white house, he can be a secetary of commerce or somthing else, he is definitely a very talented guy." The same person accused Romney of being an evil businessman, a heartless corporate raider,a tax cheater,a racist over and over and over before the election. Tell me how honest they are.
Washington post on Ann Romney and Michelle Obama. When Ann wore a fine blouse in a CBS morning show, the paper criticized her being out of touch wearing a $990.00 blouse in a difficult time for lots of average americans while praisng Michelle Obama two weeks later being stylish and brilliant when she wore a designer shirt which costs $6800.00 in market. Tell me they are not biased considering how much the Ronmeys is worth.
在政治报道上,美国媒体所喜好的是能够吸引观众读者的人物,亦即英语所谓的 charismatic personality, 无论这人的立场是左是右。其次要轮到新闻的制造者,无论原因为何。 在1950年代,美国媒体的宠儿有一度是共和党当时的副总统尼克松。他不属于有 charisma 的一类人物,但是他也不放弃利用机会替自己制造新闻,例如 1959年7月在莫斯科的美国展览会上与当时的苏联总理赫鲁晓夫作即兴辩论。结果媒体广为报道,增加了尼克松的正面形象。第二年尼克松竞选美国总统,以 0.2%的差距败给民主党的肯尼迪,事后有人归因于肯尼迪的俊朗外表,属于charismatic 一类;而尼克松容貌平庸,在电视辩论时形象分打了折扣。到1962年,尼克松以上次总统候选人的尊荣回到加州竞选州长,自以为胜券在握,结果败给形象不出众但得到多个社会团体支持的民主党候选人 Pat Brown(现任加州州长的父亲)。 尼克松的感想,是媒体辜负了他,他预备告别政界,在新闻发布会上说 “You don't have Nixon to kick around any more,。。。” 言下之意,他认为媒体对他的报道,或过于繁琐,或失之简短,都对他有不公平之处。 此后虽然他在六年后重返政界,而且赢得了 1968年的总统大选,他总是认为媒体有歧视他的倾向。 1972年,他首次访问中国大陆,又成了媒体的焦点所在。那是他一生中得到媒体注意力最多的一段时间。但是好景不长,一年多后水门案暴露,尼克松最终被认定为企图以非法手段掩盖真相,一直到1974年8月辞职下台。这期间尼克松仍然是媒体追逐的对象,只不过从正面人物转化成了负面人物。
在他所写的回忆录中,尼克松没有忘记对媒体加以批评,总之是认定他遭到 Liberal 派媒体的不公待遇。但是从我们旁观者的角度去看尼克松一生的经历,他从来都是美国政界上的保守派,未曾改换过旗帜。从40年代到70年代,几乎30年的政治生涯中,尼克松在媒体的聚光镜下经过许多次的角色转换。时而是宠儿,时而是无情的白脸人物。这些不同的脸谱能够使用在同一个人的身上,与其说是媒体的决定,不如说是尼克松本人的心态产生的投影。媒体有一些市场取向是难免的,和其他行业一样,它必须报道广大市场所希望看到的题材与人物。 但在同一个人身上前后30年,媒体呈现这样多的反复起伏,我们很难不认为,这个人本身也有和媒体至少一样多或者更多的责任。
Totally agreed. Very turned off by the liberal medias.
汉至 发表评论于
sharptooth 发表评论于
"The real reason those on the left hate Fox News"
Light pierces darkness and truth trumps lies. If this were not so, Fox News would be ignored by liberals, not feared and fought against. Liberals do not hate Fox because Fox is biased. Liberals hate Fox because Fox reports news that other media sources would like to ignore.
When Barack Obama said, "If you've got a business—you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.", most major news outlets waited, some up to four days, to report this. Fox reported it the day it happened. One has to wonder if it would have been reported at all without Fox News.
This has always been a bit of a mystery: MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, and often CNN present a left leaning bias on a regular basis. The media in general are pro-Obama and often appear to be a part of his re-election campaign. On the net, Obama has sixty popular sites that do his bidding.
So why does Fox News disturb so many liberals and stimulate such vicious attacks from them?
I believe that the answer is this. Many liberals (especially politicians and those who profit from politicians) do not want a conservative voice allowed anywhere. Many do not want dialogue and they do not want freedom of expression. They want one view and one side given to the public – the liberal view. Liberals fear the general public hearing what conservatives have to say because when people hear unbiased news and reasons why conservatives love capitalism and our constitution, people gain new understanding and often reject the agenda they were taught in government schools. Many will no longer buy into the “take wealth from the rich, give it to the government and Uncle Sam will take care of everyone” argument after hearing statistics and being presented with factual information.
Fox is accused of being the most biased news agency. The truth is that Fox News is the only major news agency that presents both sides. Fox has liberal voices on a regular basis, but there are always conservative voices. That is what sets Fox apart from the others. Fox also reports news that would go unreported in a liberally biased media. This is why Fox is the most popular news agency in the country and this is why it is feared and hated by many.
Imagine America, or any country, where over 1/2 the people have no voice. When Fox is shut down or taken over, that is basically what we will have in the USA. Even if we still have radio programs like Limbaugh, without a news agency to actually get reporters into the field, much information will never get to the people.
Why would freedom loving people want this?
fagucai 发表评论于
In February 2004, in the 13th District of Florida Case No 2D01-529, Fox News won a legal appeal that declared the entity has no legal obligation to be truthful in its reporting. The court agreed that Fox News had indeed been untruthful, but ultimately agreed with Fox's argument that the FCCs POLICY against the intentional falsification of the news is not a LEGAL mandate, requirement or regulation, and that Fox News may falsify news reports.
sharptooth 发表评论于
"都当美国人是傻瓜呢.再加上那一车车拿了免费食品拉去投票的选民!", the ones voted for Obama are not "傻瓜", they're prettymama, sorry, typo, it's pretty granny.
In an interview with a Denver TV reporter Friday, President Obama TWICE REFUSE to answer questions as to whether the Americans under siege in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, WERE DENIED REQUEST FOR HELP BY HIM, saying he’s waiting for the results of investigations before making any conclusions about what went wrong... HUH?
Does anyone in our media care that the President of the United States blamed another American for what happened in Benghazi....because he didn't want to offend terrorists.
The media tends to help the democrats traditionally.
For example, I did not see it engaged the public in a discussion of Obama's comment of "voting is the best revenge". The media should have compelled him to exlpain who he wanted to revenge against.
One of Obama's legacy will be the deep divisiveness of the country.