今晚刚焙烤出的甜点:巧克力蛋白杏仁饼干 Chocolate Macaroons
Ingredients 用料:
2 1-ounce squares unsweetened chocolate 两个一盎司的方形无糖巧克力
1 cup almonds
1 cup sugar
3 egg whites 三个蛋清
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 二分之一茶匙香草精
1/4 teaspoon almond extract 四分之一杯杏仁精
confectioner's sugar, for dusting 糖粉,撒面上
Steps 做法:
Preheat the oven to 325F. 烤箱提前加温至350华氏度
Melt the chocolate in a pot. 在锅里将巧克力溶化
Grind the almonds finely 将杏仁捣碎
Add the sugar, egg whites, vanilla, and almond extract and stir to blend. Stir in the chocolate. Mix well and refrigerate for 15 minutes
Shape the dough into around 24 balls. Place on the sheets. Sift over a thin layer of confectioners' sugar. Bake until just firm, 10-12 minutes.
秋天的色彩 - 火红的蔓越莓酱 杏仁小饼
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
confectioner's sugar, for dusting
Steps 做法:
Preheat the oven to 325F. 烤箱提前加温至350华氏度
Melt the chocolate in a pot. 在锅里将巧克力溶化
Grind the almonds finely
Add the sugar, egg whites, vanilla, and almond extract and stir to blend. Stir in the chocolate. Mix well and refrigerate for 15 minutes
Shape the dough into around 24 balls. Place on the sheets. Sift over a thin layer of confectioners' sugar. Bake until just firm, 10-12 minutes.
秋天的色彩 - 火红的蔓越莓酱