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[中文提示] 妇女衽娠期间得流感或发烧超过一周,会增加出身孩子得「泛自闭症障碍」或「自闭症系列障碍」(autistic spectrum disorder)*的风险。

2、亚斯伯格症(Asperger syndrome):社会互动障碍及拘限的兴趣和活动,无明显的语言障碍,智商约在中等或中等之上。
3、儿童崩解症(childhood disintegrative disorder)。
4、雷特症(Rett syndrome)。
5、广泛性发展障碍非特定型(pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified) 或一般所称的「非典型自闭症」(atypical autism)。(http://www.cnautism.com/book/book/200911/228.html)

Pregnant women who catch flu or have a fever that lasts over one week have a higher risk of giving birth to a baby with an ASD (autism spectrum disorder), researchers from the University of Aarhus, Denmark, reported in the journal Pediatrics.

The authors gathered and analyzed data on a population-based cohort of 96,736 children, all of them were born in Denmark from 1997 to 2003. Their mothers were asked what illnesses, especially infections and fevers, they had during their pregnancies and the early days after giving birth. They were also asked about any antibiotic use during those periods.

The following infections or conditions during pregnancy were linked a higher autism risk in the baby:

• Influenza (flu) - pregnant mothers who caught the flu had twice the risk of giving birth to a baby who eventually was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder before the age of three years

• Fever - pregnant mothers who said they had a fever that lasted for at least one week had three times the risk of giving birth to a baby who eventually was diagnosed with an ASD before the age of 3

• Antibiotic usage - pregnant mothers who took antibiotics had a slightly higher risk of having a baby with an ASD

The authors emphasize that their findings need to be backed up with a more thoroughly controlled study, and acknowledge that their study had certain methodological limitations.

Lead researcher Hjordis Osk Atladottir, MD, PhD, says that women who catch the flu or have a fever during pregnancy should not be alarmed by these findings. Approximately 98% of those who did catch flu or had a lasting fever gave birth to children with no ASD.





