


Gartman's Rules of Trading

1. Never adding to a losing position, ever! (Because you never know what is the new low。)

2. Trade like a mercenary fighter.

3. Mental capital trumps real capital.

4. We are not in the business of buying low and selling high. "We are in the business of buying high and selling higher, or of selling low and buying lower.  Strength begets strength, weakness more weakness."

5. In bull markets try only to be long or neutral.

6. Markets can remain illogical for longer than your or I can remain solvent.

7. Buy the strongest, sell the weakest.

8. Trade like a techician,think like a fundamentalist. "Be bullish when the techinicals and the fundamentals,as you understand them, run in tandem. Be bearish when they do not."全。)

9. Trading runs in cycles, some good, most bad.

10. Keep your system simple: "Complication breeds confusion while simplicity breeds elegance and profitability."

11. Understanding mass psychology is almost always more important than understanding economics. 

12. More than one cockroach. 

13. Be patient with winning trades and enormously impatient with losers. (Let your winning pony run......and cut your losers as quickly as possible.)

14. Do more of which is working and less of that which is not. 

15. Clean up after yourself.

16. Someone always has a bigger junk yard dog. "Someone has more information and capital resources, they come out and bite you." "No matter how much work we do on a trade, someone knows more and is more prepared than are we, and has more capital."

17. Pay attention.

18. When the facts change, change! "When the technicals or the fundamentals of a position change, change your position, or at least reduce your position and perhaps exit entirely."

19. All rules are meant to be broken. "Trends change, you can be wrong!"
