"i feel sorry for your husband." - buddy,are u sure prettymama even has a husband?
cu29 发表评论于
尖酸刻薄但又能力不足的人言语上总带锯齿,i feel sorry for your husband.
prettymama 发表评论于
贱人,给你脸不要脸,找骂呢。08 就连任了。Not A Damn Thing You Could Do。怎的,看不下去可以跳楼去。没人会阻止你。
cu29 发表评论于
General speaking, 说自己pretty的,绝不pretty., 通常又丑又陋.
prettymama 发表评论于
cu29今天忘了吃Prozac 。
老姐 发表评论于
cu29 发表评论于
I do belive in taking care of our poor, sick, and working class americans, but again i will not sell the farm to do it.
Poor need a helping hand not a hand out.
sick needs health care so they can get well and work to help others.
working class needs to be tax fairly and not carrying the ball for others.
We the people need to stand up, say enough is enough!
紫萸香慢 发表评论于
but all good things will end one day,free housing,free food,free heating,free healthcare etc.,when will be no taxpayers.
你真觉得免费食物,免费住房等等是很甜蜜的享受吗?就是"要什么有什么”的体现吗?你的要求真是很谦卑啊。免费的食物就是能填补肚子,美味是不用讲究了;免费住房也就有头上一片瓦,空间style是不用想了。这些福利也就是给生来不幸或者人生中途挫折的人一块能暂时赖以生存的地方,给他们今后重新站起来的机会,比如J K Rowling那样的人;对于那些不想站起来的人,这些福利能保证他们的基本生活要求,而避免他们为了一块面包去偷去抢,给社会造成更大的危害。
Joke is for you to have a laugh, that's all. Talking about angry, i started voting in th 90s and never voted for the right president until 2012. He who is in that position has to play by the same rules, regardless what he said in his campaign. MR will tell anything his base wants to listen.
Right! some people从小就是想要什么就有什么的, but all good things will end one day,free housing,free food,free heating,free healthcare etc.,when will be no taxpayers.