慢烤肋骨牛排晚餐 – Roasted prime rib dinner
孩子们放假在家, 我又有食客啦.
这次参考了Alton Brown 的方法烤的肋骨牛肉, 非常成功, 以前用过其他大厨的不同做法都不如这次好. 看来这就是我的保留作品了.
我用了近6 LB的带骨肋骨牛排. 四个人吃还没吃完. 剩下的就给儿子独享了. 他说开学前还要给他做一次.
因为是用肉内的温度来掌握熟的成度, 不管肉的大小, 都是万无一矢的.
- 近6 LB 的牛肉, bone-In, 用粗海盐, 现磨黑胡椒粉, 油, 摸遍.
- 烤箱里放入耐高温带盖的陶土锅, 开火到200F.
- 把牛肉放进热的砂锅里, 在肉的最厚部位插入温度计的针头, 盖好盖, 烤至肉内温度118F, 取出肉, 不要取出针头, 用锡纸包好肉, 这时肉温还会升高到125 F. 我用了大概是3.5-4.0小时.
- 烤箱改到高温500F, 加热砂锅, 把肉放回砂锅内, 盖好, 烤15分钟, 取出肉, 不要取出针头, 用锡纸包好肉保温, 醒15-20分钟再切片享用.

砂锅的油脂取出一部分用来做面包. 把砂锅放在炉头上, 开火, 到入牛肉高汤, 和红酒各一杯, 大火烧至留下一半汤, 放入迷迭香, 百里香, 和一勺西式辣酱油, 略再烧一下就成酱汁了.

还有horseradish, mustard sauce

因为有烤牛肉的油, 就很自然会做这个.
Yorkshire Popovers
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
Blender 把材料打匀, 歇1小时,
烤箱开到 450F. 放进加了牛油的烤盘, 加热10分种, 再把面糊到入烤盘, 烤10分种, 改到350F再烤15分钟,就好了.

南瓜汤 - Roasted Pumpkin Soup
2+LB green pumpkin, diced and seeded
1 onion, peeled and chopped
1 tsp granulated garlic,
2 tsp cumin powder,
1 tsp paprika powder,
1 tsp salt,
1/4 cup olive oil
2 cans chicken broth,
1 can coconut milk,
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Combine pumpkin, olive oil, salt, granulated garlic, cumin powder, paprika powder, on a rimmed baking sheet, toss to coat, then spread in a single layer. Roast until pumpkin is tender when pierced with the tip of a sharp knife, about 30 minutes, rotating pan and tossing vegetables halfway through.
Sauté onion with olive oil until soft, pour in broth, coconut milk, bring to broil, add roasted pumpkin in, puree with an immersion blender until smooth. Bring soup just to a simmer. Remove from heat, and season with salt and pepper.

还有土豆泥, 就简单的加了牛奶, 黄油, 盐和胡椒.

西兰花菜, 加了橄榄油, 鸡汤, 蒜泥, 干辣椒末, 盐和胡椒.

Dessert: homemade mango ice cream with oatmeal raisin cookies,
Sorry, forgot to take a picture of the serving plate.

Drink: red wine, perfect pairing

Happy New Year!