The Nutcracker - A Story in Verse

 by Karen Gabay

'Twas the night before Christmas at the Stahlbaum House

Ev'ry creature was stirring ... Yes, even a mouse!

The party was festive, the tree trimmed with care

And Godfather Drosselmeyer soon would be there

The children were playing, their parents all fed

Fritz was excited when he heard what was said:

His mother announced, "Now, everyone hide!

Drosselmeyer is late and must be surprised!"

So the party then halted while everyone hid

Drosselmeyer entered, checking his watch as he did

Out popped the guests with laughter and glee

He greeted them all, but where was Marie?

Marie, his Godchild and apple of his eye

When at last she appeared, he let out a sigh

He brought a special gift, meant only for her

Such a graceful young lady, so sweet and demure

He then staged a play for the guests to enjoy

A mysterious tale of a Hard Nut and a boy

It began with a Princess and a mouse craving cheese

And a King and a Queen who said NO to his pleas

This mouse had magic powers and when cheese was denied

He cast a spell on the Princess, who became sleepy-eyed

She could not wake up 'til a rare Nut was found

The kingdom sent word out for towns to look 'round

A friend of the king, a stargazer named Dross

Brought in the Hard Nut to calm the chaos

Any suitor that could crack this Hard Nut with his teeth

Could marry the Princess, once roused from her sleep

Suitors came forth and to crack they did try

Including two brothers named Nimble and Nye

To their disappointment, their efforts did fail

Then Dross brought young Klaus, arriving by sail

This nephew of Dross had teeth that were strong

He cracked the Hard Nut as he danced to a song

The princess awoke and gazed at young Klaus

Love bloomed - but was ruined - because of one mouse

The rodent discovered his spell had been broken -

For the Nut was now cracked and the princess awoken -

The mouse then snuck up and he grabbed the young boy

With one nasty bite, the kingdom lost all joy

Because at that moment, Klaus turned into wood

Never to move as before he once could

The Play ended there - but not for Marie

When Godfather said, "One more gift, just for thee."

Could this be the Nutcracker the play was about?

She believed it was him, without any doubt

Once all were tucked in, Marie crept down to see

Her special Nutcracker 'neath their Christmas tree

She danced with her Nutcracker, spinning to sleep

The house became still, not a sound, not a peep

When she awoke, things were not the right size

A battle erupts and the evil Rat dies

The spell on her Nutcracker, lifted and broken

Transformed to a Prince, filled with true love, unspoken

They depart on a journey with dancing snowflakes

Where a blossoming world of discovery awaits

They meet Spaniards, Arabians, Chinese with fast feet,

Russian and Children from a Valley that "tweet"

The Prince gives his Marie a tutu and a crown

All dance and rejoice in this new true love found

Marie and her Prince dance in Love's happy light

Never to imagine this ends with night

The joyous celebration ends with a kiss

And Marie is enchanted, swept up in sheer bliss

She turns back to her Prince - and finds he's not there

Yet she still wears rosebuds and a crown in her hair

The crack of dawn illuminates a figure by the tree

Is it a toy made of wood or her Prince she see?

北京二号 发表评论于
Thanks for the message. We are making it a family tradition to see this ballet every Chrismas. Without any extended family or close relatives here, we can hardly feel any holiday spirit if we don't set up some must-do routines. :-)

We just saw the local production of the ballet dance Nutcracker. The dance was a little disappointing but we still had fun. This verse was written and provided by the Choreographer of the ballet.

Merry Christmas!
秀山 发表评论于
This is such a sweet poem. I like it.

I saw Ballet Nutcracker this year and still like it.

Thanks for posting.