Liya's job definition

Yesterday Liya suddenly asked me: "Mommy, since you're very smart, can you tell me what my job is?" I was speechless. So I did what I usually do to get myself out of that situation: "Why don't you tell me what you think?" She said:"Well, it's my job to listen (to you), but it's not my job to listen all the time. It's my job to be nice to Clara, but it's not my job to share all my toys. It's my job to say 'Thank you for cooking', but it's not my job to eat the food. It's my job to love my family, and there is no 'BUT' for that." _(a) ================== 这不是她一口气说的, 是一个对话, 一边思考一边说, 主意都是她的, 我把它串联起来了。
