Certain or Not Certain

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The world does seem irrelevant at times

but when a big tragedy sets in

The whole world goes upside down

at least deep in the hearts

The trusted place no more

The angels flied out of blood into heaven

against their will

right through parent's hearts

That's the world our bodies are in

souls are of every kinds

pure, muddy, utterly sickening

The friend we barely know

all of sudden is very sick

walking the last stretch of the life

or simply disappears in accident

The certainties around us

are actually never so certain

Just as love sweeps our feet unexpectedly

Just as success we finally achieve

through our efforts

there are actually many uncertainties and coincidences

make our successes as they look

We are always flowing with the time river

joys and sorrows, peaks and grooves

we are soaking and riding the waves

only from moments to moments

called life

the one thing that is so preciously certain

added up by countless uncertainties
