Egyptian president, under pressure, annulled earlier decree that grabbed power.
This is how democracy should work. Everyone has a seat at the table. Take action if someone tramples on your political right.
唵啊吽 发表评论于
Deeper 发表评论于
抗议! 你 你 你这不是打"民主"旳耳光吗?
欢颜展卷林中闲坐 发表评论于
The right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, as with libel, slander, obscenity, inciting ethnic hatred, copyright violation, or revelation of classified information.
IMO, unlimited freedom of speech is not desirable in a society (imagine someone has the freedom to spread false rumors about you or insult you in public.) It's a matter of degree of freedom.
The freedom to criticize government policy or officer is important. It allows the public to prevent corruption by disclosure. It also allows discussion about poor public policy. This is the freedom of speech that China lacks.
tzuuyi 发表评论于
LOL, are these people serious that people in Western country have the freedom of speech to say whatever they want to say without being harassed by the government or by the mob?
If they do, then they have not lived long enough in the West or being smart enough to be silent or being completely a Western parrot.
全民公投 is a democratic process.
However, a democratic process can't be used to justify depriving the freedom (e.g. freedom of speech) of certain citizens. Depriving the freedom of certain citizens is undemocratic.
A democratic process can't be used for undemocratic purposes. Otherwise democracy becomes a self-defeating system.
Case in point: CCP used to promote democracy and used freedom of speech to undermine the fragile democracy established by KMT. This is why CCP keeps limiting freedom of speech after they won the civil war. They don't want to repeat the mistake of KMT.
欢颜展卷林中闲坐 发表评论于
You are confusing
全民公投 can't 不尊重少数人的说话权利
港台 can 全民公投 whether they want to become independent. This is democratic. But if they 不尊重少数人的说话权利 to be anti-independence (i.e. pro-mainland), that is undemocratic.
Voting without legal protection of equality can lead to 'mob rule', which means the majority can trample on the rights of minority groups.
The protest was against not protecting the freedom of expression of minority (secular) view. Democracy doesn't mean 'mob rule'. The way to avoid 'mob rule' is to include equal protection (including freedom of speech) in the constitution to all citizens, not just the majority.