In Love With You

Song: In Love With You
Artist: Dana Winner

In love with you no one but you
Cannot live without you
I just need to be with you
Just one more time will make me strong
You are the only one I care for

Do feel your arms around me
Do know your love surrounds me
I'll give you all you need
I am so in love with you

You are for me my destiny
We've got to work it out
It is only you and me


Rebecca Lin 2007 2013 Winter In USA

林贝卡 发表评论于

子雨cool 发表评论于
林贝卡 发表评论于
好喜欢这首歌!片片也漂亮。--双鱼座 评论于:2007-09-22 18:29:01
她的声音真好听,你的贴真美丽。Have a lovely Sunday.--静谧海湾 评论于:2007-09-22 21:33:20
中秋之际想着你...蓝色的天水, 蓝色的星星月亮...爱意绵绵...祝贝卡新的一周平安美好快乐!中秋好!
--虔谦 评论于:2007-09-23 16:44:59
连图带曲子搬我首页啦!以后来得开卡车来啦!--LiYouCai 评论于:2007-09-23 16:30:44