道德经聚会主题(7)- 为学者日益,圣人常无心

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The knowledge of not knowing

The cosmic consciousness




参照其他本(通行本48, 49章)




48.1 By studying, every day one increases (useless and injurious particular notions, in one's memory); by concentrating on the Principle, they are diminished every day.

48.2 Pushed to the limit, this diminution ends in non-action, (the consequence of the absence of particular ideas). Now there is nothing that non-action (letting things go) cannot sort out. It is through non-action that one wins the empire.

48.3 To act, in order to win it, results in failure.

49.1 The Sage has no definite will of his own, he accommodates himself to the will of the people.

49.2 He treats the good and the bad equally well, which is the true practice of goodness.

49.3 He trusts the sincere and insincere alike, which is the true practice of trust.

49.4 In this mixed-up world, the Sage is without any emotion, and has the same feelings for all. All men fix their eyes and ears on him. He treats them like children, (Daoism kindliness, sightly disdainful).


48.1 The follower of knowledge learns as much as he can every day; The follower of the Way forgets as much as he can every day.

48.2 By attrition he reaches a state of inaction Wherein he does nothing, but nothing remains undone. To conquer the world, accomplish nothing;

48.3 If you must accomplish something, The world remains beyond conquest.

49.1 The sage does not distinguish between himself and the world; The needs of other people are as his own.

49.2 He is good to those who are good; He is also good to those who are not good, Thereby he is good.

49.3 He trusts those who are trustworthy; He also trusts those who are not trustworthy, Thereby he is trustworthy.

49.4 The sage lives in harmony with the world, And his mind is the world's mind. So he nurtures the worlds of others As a mother does her children. 
