
今天在凤来峰那儿, 看到这篇。 突然觉得, 女儿将来, 会不会像帕慕克那样, 写她的母亲?

女儿的文字很好。 曾经说:妈妈, 我想当作家, 写东西。 俺自己非常喜欢她的东西, 自然, 热情, 流畅。 可是妈妈惶惑: 当作家, 吃不饱饭的。

昨天女儿校长开会, 给家长们吃吃宽心丸儿, 让大伙儿别担心娃娃们上高中过渡。 俺餐桌上告女儿, 妈妈去开会。 人家可倒好:“妈妈, 我要修一个商务入门, 再上个交响乐。 时间就满了。” ”好啊, 妈妈还担心选课, 因为别的妈妈都很费心, 这下好了, 妈妈今晚在家玩儿吧。“

对于女儿, 曾经跟她探讨当医生。 因为女儿聪明, 记忆力特别好, 而且动手能力强, 手底下利索。 好像人家自己没啥感觉:”妈妈, 别人从小就知道自己想干啥。 T和S想当工程师, A想当科学家, 我就是什么都很快上手, 可是不那么感兴趣。“ ”别急, 还有好多年呢。 着什么急? 大不了学个饭碗, 也没什么难的。“

除了给她个家, 享受这份亲, 好像什么都操不上心。 昨晚跟女儿撒娇:”闺女, 好久没跟妈妈睡了, 妈妈很难过。“ ”明天跟你睡。“

无论她以后走那条路, 她要是开心, 觉得妈妈从来没让她痛苦过, 就挺好。

Storm of the Century

This was the kind of weather that scoffed at mere sound effects like " Boom!" or "Bang!" This was the Storm of the Century, and it would go down in history.
It came on a teeth-chattering evening, the kind where people look back over their shoulders every so often to make sure there wasn't anyone following them. It was a kingdom of clouds, and it edged over the Rocky Mountains from the west, loitered around a bit, just so everyone could take it in, then sauntered over the Great Plains, as if it knew everyone in the world was marveling at it. It's sheer size made the Rockies look like ice cream cones, and it devastated the minds of scientists everywhere as they scrambled to make heads and tails of this phenomenon. A radiant bolt of neon blue shattered the picturesque scene, and with it came a wave of wind that swept through the grasses, forcing its subjects to bow down to the sky kingdom.
Then, there was the thunder. Those who heard it firsthand instinctively looked down to make sure the Earth hadn't shattered into infinite pieces. No, not yet. The hammer of earsplitting noise had not yet cracked the ground.
Next, was the iridescent flashes, along with a stately beat, heralding the kingdom's arrival. A sharp, ozone-like smell, the kind that comes before every storm, seemed to ride the gusting winds to proclaim the great news to those ignorant of the proceedings. Electricity seemed to twirl and leap through the air delighting in the fact that the Great Storm was here.







美丽风景 发表评论于
女儿是老大。 怎样爱, 始终是妈妈探索学习的对象。
可怜在爸爸爷爷的督促下, 妈妈也当过虎妈。 害女儿跟妈妈很隔阂。
现在好了, 妈妈自由了, 娃娃放任自流了:)
南山松 发表评论于

美丽风景 发表评论于
谢云姐。 姐姐把她夸的。 就是书卷气, 还好吧。
青云直上 发表评论于
聪明的女孩常有;聪明且恬静 的女孩不多;聪明恬静还漂亮的女孩更是稀有!