住宿:$8,962 and $9,912
伙食:$3,802 to $5,280
2013-14 tuition, board and fees announced
January 17, 2013
Undergraduate tuition at Washington University in St. Louis will be $44,100 for the 2013-14 academic year — a $1,600 (3.8 percent) increase over the 2012-13 current academic tuition of $42,500, announced Barbara A. Feiner, vice chancellor for finance.
The required student activity fee will total $441. The health and wellness fee will be approximately $300.
Charges for on-campus double-occupancy housing for 2013-14 will range between $8,962 and $9,912, depending on whether a student selects newer housing. This year’s range is $8,700 and $9,624. The meal plans for 2013-14 will range from $3,802 to $5,280 compared with this year’s range of $3,700 to $5,138.
“As always, the university remains committed to making the educational experience of our students one of the very best in the world while still remaining affordable,” wrote Provost Edward S. Macias, PhD, in a letter to parents and students about 2013-14 tuition, room, board and fees.
“We are aware of and thankful for the sacrifices that many of our families make in order to have their sons and daughters attend Washington University, just as we are indebted to the countless alumni and friends of the university who have contributed to our ever-growing scholarship resources, which enable more and more students with financial need to join us in St. Louis,” continued Macias, who is also executive vice chancellor for academic affairs and the Barbara and David Thomas Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences.
“Most importantly, we are grateful to our students for choosing Washington University, and we take seriously our responsibility of guiding and preparing them for their future lives.
“My colleagues in the Office of Student Financial Services are always ready to answer your questions about financial assistance and the options available to help finance your student’s time here. You can contact Student Financial Services by mail at Campus Box 1041, by fax at (314) 935-4037, by email at financial@wustl.edu, or by telephone at (888) 547-6670 or (314) 935-5900. If you are visiting campus, you are welcome to drop by the office, located in 75 North Brookings Hall.
“Together — the university, its students, families, alumni and friends — are working to ensure the continued ascent of Washington University as one of the very best and highly valued universities in the world, making your investment one that will reap rewards for decades to come. Thank you for your confidence and trust.”
A Frequently Asked Questions document about tuition and the university‘s financial resources was enclosed with the letter. To view the FAQ, click here.
Students who qualify for need-based financial assistance will receive consideration for the cost increases, along with consideration of changes in their family financial circumstances.
Feiner noted that the university offers payment plans to help lessen family financial burdens, including the Partners in Education with Parents (PEP) plan that allows university charges for all undergraduate years to be paid in monthly installments over as many as 10 years at competitive fixed interest rates.
The advantage of this plan is that a family can decrease the effect of future tuition and room-and-board increases, depending on the level of participation the family chooses. There also is a monthly payment plan that allows families to spread all or most of a single academic year’s expenses over 10 equal monthly payments without any interest charges.
Below are the 2013-14 full-time tuition and fee schedules for Washington University’s graduate and professional programs as well as tuition for evening and summer schools enrolling part-time students.
Graduate and professional tuition, 2013-14
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, the Graduate School of Architecture & Urban Design, and graduate programs in the School of Engineering: The 2013-14 tuition charge for graduate students in these programs will be $44,100, an increase of $1,600 (3.8 percent) over the current charge of $42,500.
Graduate School of Art: The 2013-14 tuition charge for the Master of Fine Arts program will be $35,950, an increase of $1,330 (3.8 percent) over the current charge of $34,620.
Brown School: The 2013-14 tuition charge for the Master of Social Work program will be $35,520, an increase of $1,380 (4.0 percent) over the current charge of $34,140, and the Master in Public Health at $27,232, an increase of $1,058 (4.0 percent) over the current charge of $26,174.
Olin Business School graduate program: The 2013-14 tuition for the Master of Business Administration program will be $49,700, an increase of $1,900 (4.0 percent) over the current charge of $47,800.
School of Law and School of Medicine: Tuition for 2013-14 for the Juris Doctor, LLM program and Doctor of Medicine degree will be set in March.
Evening and Summer School tuition rates, 2013-14
Undergraduate evening students: For undergraduate evening students enrolling in University College in Arts & Sciences or continuing education classes in the School of Architecture in 2013-14, tuition will be $610 per credit hour, compared with the 2012-13 cost of $605 per credit hour.
Graduate students in University College: Depending upon the graduate program in University College in Arts & Sciences, tuition will range from $610 to $855 per credit hour for 2013-14, compared with the current range of $605 to $825.
Summer School in Arts & Sciences: Tuition in Summer School classes in Arts & Sciences will be $980 per undergraduate credit hour and $1,185 per graduate credit hour for summer 2013, compared with the 2012 Summer School rates of $940 and $1,140 per credit hour, respectively.