The Last Waltz



Song: The Last Waltz

Artist: Engelbert Humperdinck

I wonder should I go or should I stay

The band had only one more song to play

And then I saw you out the corner of my eye

A little girl alone and so shy

I had the last waltz with you

Two lonely people together

I fell in love with you

The last waltz should last forever

Rebecca Lin 2007 13 Winter In USA

林贝卡 发表评论于

花甲老翁 发表评论于
林贝卡 发表评论于

Thanks for your comments. Have a nice evening.
九月独处 发表评论于

Love this song,still remember the first time I listened to it, a special occasion!~~~

Thanks, Sis~~~ have a great new week!~~~
林贝卡 发表评论于
wow~~~ you are Awesome! below is my reply to you:感谢贝卡好信息! QQ 深受鼓舞. 还不知张学友有这首歌. "醉", 让人可以有千思万想. "南风起" 一留言, 本是要留在你的 一文下的, 电脑挡机只好和凡高的留言放一起...下周更美好!as always, Rebecca, i will be thinking of you ~~~~--虔谦 评论于:2007-09-03 19:16:47
南风春水,飘荡心间。温馨问候,丝丝入怀。往事如烟,岁月如歌。朋友如画,思念如水。谦谦呀,sometimes, I am really a dumb woman. 我读了半天还是读不懂这南风起是来自哪里呀。你指的是[雨雪心情]这篇文章?也不明白“电脑挡机”是什么,I am a computer dummy。天呀,一个问题还没有弄明白,又多了一个问题。Sorry, I have endless questions. I hope you do not mind.--林贝卡 评论于:2007-09-04 04:00:41
That really pretty picture. --BlackOrchid 评论于:2007-09-03 20:56:15很喜欢。周末愉快!--尔尔 评论于:2007-09-07 21:40:22