以往企鹅先生拍摄的跑步比赛,企鹅太太都是跑步者,而今天早晨企鹅太太第一次作为观众参与Rhythm and Blues 5K (5公里) and Half Marathon (半程马拉松,21.1 公里)。这次跑步比赛的收入捐给以下4个非盈利/慈善公益机构:
(1) APHON :for “Children with cancer and blood disorders and their families receive the highest quality care”;
(2) San José Clinic:“to provide quality healthcare and education to those with limited access to such services in an environment which respects the dignity of each person”);
(3) Legacy Community Health Services:“to lead a better life by providing premium, compassionate, primary health care services”)
(4) The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society:“to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families”。