道德经聚会主题(11)- 治人事天(59-61)

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Virtue, the root of politics

Dao, the ultimate policy to peace

Humbleness, the way to harmonize nations










59.1 To govern men in accord with nature It is best to be restrained; 
59.2 Restraint makes agreement easy to attain, And easy agreement builds harmonious relationships; With sufficient harmony no resistance will arise; When no resistance arises, then you possess the heart of the nation, 
59.3 And when you possess the nation's heart, your influence will long endure: 
59.4 Deeply rooted and firmly established. This is the method of far sight and long life. 

60.1 Manage a great nation as you would cook a delicate fish. 
60.2 When you use the Way to conquer the world, Your demons will lose their power to harm. 
60.3 It is not that those manes have not that spiritual energy, but it will not be employed to hurt men. It is not that it could not hurt men, but neither does the ruling sage hurt them. 
60.4 When neither you nor your demons can do harm, You will be at peace with them. 

61.1 A nation is like a hierarchy, a marketplace, and a maiden. A maiden wins her husband by submitting to his advances; Submission is a means of union. 
61.2 So when a large country submits to a small country It will adopt the small country; When a small country submits to a large country It will be adopted by the large country; 
61.3 The one submits and adopts; The other submits and is adopted. 
61.4 It is in the interest of a large country to unite and gain service, And in the interest of a small country to unite and gain patronage; 
61.5 If both would serve their interests, Both must submit. 


59.1 The essential for co-operation with heaven in the government of men, is to moderate one's action. 
59.2 This moderation should be the prime care. It procures perfect efficacy, which succeeds in everything, even the governing of the empire. 
59.3 He who possesses this mother of the empire (wise moderation), will last a long time. 
59.4 It is called the pivoting root, the solid trunk. It is the principle of perpetuity. 

 To govern a great state, one should act like someone cooking a very small fish (very delicately, otherwise they break up). 
60.2 When a state is governed according to the Principle, phantoms do not appear there to harm the people, because the Sage who governs does not harm the people. 
60.3 Not that the spirits have no more powers, But their powers will not harm men./ Neither will they harm men, Nor will the Sage harm the people. 
60.4 The merit of this double tranquility (on the part of the living and the dead) comes back, therefore, to the Sage. 

 If a great state lowers itself, like those holes in which water accumulates, everyone will come to it. It will belike the universal female. In her apparent passivity and inferiority, the female is superior to the male (for it is she who gives birth). 
61.2 On condition of knowing how to lower itself, a great state will win over lesser states, 
61.3 which in their turn, will lower themselves, seeking its protection. 
61.5 For this to be realized, only one thing is needed, but it is essential. It is that the great state deigns to lower itself before the lesser ones. (if it is proud and hard, there is no hope)

