Welcome to Craftorilla, where you can be creative and dream on. You can get supplies and materials for a low price. Kids will enjoy it, imagination comes to life. The entire store will be 66% off. Here is the list of items on sale: Extreme Colors, Origami Pack, Friendship Bracelet Set, Ribbons, and a pack of multicolores beads.Everything is on sale, come quickly before all are sold out!
这是小姑娘最近做的一个project。 真是女大十八变, 小丫头的远大志向从teacher - Librarian - Business woman一路狂变过来。我只是担心她那“The entire store will be 66% off”会不会让我 go bankruptcy。 mizi, 手链就从你那进货好了,不过你得给我家姑娘66% off。
哈哈,还是你一眼就把我给看穿了。 昨天打电话给老爸, 跟他汇报了下下今年领的新任务 - put The 年夜饭 on the table, 8 家人,零零总总的要喂饱三十几口人, 压力还是很大滴。可我老爸说:“那有什么关系, 你就让你那些会做的朋友一家多带几个菜过来就行了嘛。人多好啊,过年图的就是个热闹。”
经济学理论也灌输了。 我跟她说:“Warren Buffett 曾说过:‘The most important things in business is: Rule #1 : Never lose money; Rule #2: Never forget rule #1.'" 可人家头也不抬地说:“who is WB?"