Anton Bruckner (4 September 1824 – 11 October 1896) was an Austrian composer known for his symphonies, masses, and motets. The first are considered emblematic of the final stage of Austro-German Romanticism because of their rich harmonic language, strongly polyphonic character, and considerable length. Bruckner's compositions helped to define contemporary musical radicalism, owing to their dissonances, unprepared modulations, and roving harmonies.
Unlike other musical radicals, such as Richard Wagner or Hugo Wolf who fit the enfant terrible mould, Bruckner showed extreme humility before other musicians, Wagner in particular. This apparent dichotomy between Bruckner the man and Bruckner the composer hampers efforts to describe his life in a way that gives a straightforward context for his music.
His works, the symphonies in particular, had detractors, most notably the influential Austrian critic Eduard Hanslick, and other supporters of Johannes Brahms (and detractors of Wagner), who pointed to their large size, use of repetition, and Bruckner's propensity to revise many of his works, often with the assistance of colleagues, and his apparent indecision about which versions he preferred. On the other hand, Bruckner was greatly admired by subsequent composers, including his friend Gustav Mahler, who described him as "half simpleton, half God."
初听布鲁克纳,很多人会觉得他的11部交响曲(00和0-9)好像是同一首交响曲重复了11次!哈哈……这其实是因为听者的赏鉴力不足导致的一个误读,也是由于现代社会浮躁的人文环境引发的心理偏差的一种具体表现。若听者能够不为初次听闻的负面感观所动,只要继续坚持听下去,过不了多久,布鲁克纳音乐的美就会开始自动浮现出来。布鲁克纳的音乐到底美在何处呢?古风自己的心灵觉受显示出:布鲁克纳的音乐勾画出了整个宇宙的绝美结构,其坚如磐石般的音流似乎把天堂里的琼楼玉宇拉到了人间。布鲁克纳的音乐造诣犹如约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach,1685-1750)百年后重新转世。说来有些惆怅:西方古典音乐在巴赫的笔下登峰造极,西方的经典音乐到布鲁克纳基本完成后浪漫主义的最好辉煌。后浪漫主义的最后掌门人就是伟大的古斯塔夫·马勒(Gustav Mahler,1860-1911)。马勒之后,西方经典音乐就开始进入最后的回光返照,从此衰落下去了。
Karajan: Bruckner's Symphonies 1-9
Maazel: Bruckner's Symphonies 0-9
Barenboim: Bruckner's Symphonies 1-9
Jochum: Bruckner's Three Masses
Ferguson: Bruckner's Motets