Call it a journey of memories A journey to bring back the time Through those days of wild abandon When a young man was in his prime
Call it a hopeless fantasy Trying to capture some long lost dreams When you fell for the dark eyed Creole girl Who came from New Orleans
Perhaps it was too much to wish for Sometimes it's best to move on But just for the sake of memories I'll take a drink for the days long gone
How I loved the dark eyed Creole girl Who came from New Orleans Rebecca Lin 2013 Spring In USA
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【Color to the moon】Allan Taylor 的民谣天碟选听 来源:[美语世界]Justaddmusic 于 2013-02-27 16:51:06
民谣诗人Allan Taylor是歌手、吉他手、音乐家、诗人等,其低沉醇厚的嗓音、诗意的歌词、耐听优美的曲调,与稳健幽雅的吉他演奏造就了他独特的魅力。和煦的歌声与纯熟的吉他技巧,搭配其它乐手的简单乐器伴奏,特别适合夜深时静赏,如品香醇醉人的美酒。Allan自称自己为旅游歌手,他的旋律、他的歌词记录着深刻的人生感悟。在聆听他的作品时常宛如在时间与空间中尽情悠游,像是阅读一本精彩的回忆录,随着他的歌声进入一段又一段的旅途。[Color to the moon]除了“Scotty”由Allan作词Barnaby Taylor作曲外,其他皆由Allan作词作曲。专辑的录音相当出色,音色透明自然,嗓音轻慢而带着男声特有的沙粒感,吉他音色清脆圆润,唱作俱佳。