木筏 梨花 参加玫瑰的爬梯



I won’t be the one to let go

(F: Female, M: Male, B: Both)

F: I have dreams for you and me, and wishes that will last and live beyond eternity

M: Summer’s gone, winter’s on, can we weather everything our eyes have yet to see?

F: As the years go by, I promise you, that I...

B: I will be the one to run to when the nights are long

B: I’ll be there when winds begin to blow

B: Even when it seems that everything is going wrong

F: This I swear M: I swear

M: I won’t be the one to let go

M: Life gets tough, Roads get rough

M: Who knows what awaits us ‘round the bend

F: Count on me, faithfully though everything we have could never end

M: It could never end

B: And through rain or shine and every cloudy sky

B: I will be the one to run to when the nights are long

B: I’ll be there when winds begin to blow

B: Even when it seems that everything is going wrong

F: This I swear M: This I swear

B: I won’t be the one to let go

M: I’ll be there F: I’ll be there

M: Anytime you need me you’ll know where I am

F: You’ll know just where I am and everywhere M: Everywhere

F: Anytime you’re lost, just turn around M: Just turn around

B: And take my hand and.... I… will be your light in the night

B: And I promise that even when it seems that everything is going wrong

F: This I swear M: This I swear B: I won’t be the one

F: To let go.... M: To let go.... This I swear F: I swear

B: I won’t be the one to let go F: To let B: Go.

木筏 梨花爬梯,发发发啊:)))))) -rosebush- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 3/21/13 • 木筏是何人啊?两位都是有实力的大歌星!大气的好嗓音,好唱功! -rosebush- ♀ (162 bytes) (14 reads) 3/21/13 • 木筏梨花玫瑰爬梯的板凳!。。 -XL彩虹- ♀ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 3/21/13 • 摇椅,两人的声音都是难得的好声音,和声非常好! 金顶! -北冥鱼- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/21/13 • 挖, 木筏 梨花 组合太强大了。 这回乘着木筏去赏梨花, 看到了极致的风光。 p -丽桥游子- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/21/13 • E文的合唱,太厉害啊! -DingZhuang- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/21/13 • 绝了,绝了,绝了,妈呀,太好听了。。。激动地想哭,好美,好美,好美!! -木兰- ♀ (133 bytes) (18 reads) 3/21/13 • 哇!俺居然第一次听到你俩的这首,两把好声音,悠扬大气穿入云霄的的动人歌声! -e梦圆- ♀ (49 bytes) (10 reads) 3/21/13 • 梨花啊梨花,你又华丽丽地震了俺一回!虽然有思想准备,听完还是激动得心绪难平! -出来混,迟早要胖的- ♀ (77 bytes) (9 reads) 3/21/13 • ***应鱼要求,换上了木筏响些的一版@@@@@ -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (7 reads) 3/21/13 • 原来的你的声音很突出的好啊:) 这版男女平衡些,但你的优点又淹没些了:) -北冥鱼- ♂ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 3/21/13 • 一点没错,当时就整出了这两版,难调整。 -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/21/13 • Wow,两位实力派!e文好正,是不是混响有点偏大? -tytang_ty- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/21/13 • 是,后来后期越来越好。 -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/21/13 • 哇!!这歌太美了!!发现梨花总能找到我喜欢的还没有听过的歌!! -Octorber- (58 bytes) (7 reads) 3/21/13 • 好听,顶:木筏 梨花 参加玫瑰的爬梯!梨花好久没见,上来就是这么好的合唱,热烈鼓 -lucylu- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/21/13 • 今天忙着送走客人,明天来一一回帖,抱歉!!!!!00000000先谢!!!! -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/21/13 • http://space.wenxuecity.com/media/201303 -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 3/21/13 • 真是美,男女和声默契,也是专业级的前辈啊! -散漫- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/21/13 • 额咋听木筏奏是守望捏~梨花/木筏合得好棒啊!大气深情,优美缠绵~和谐好听!大鼎两 -welydl- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/21/13 • 威力啊,俺幸好见过木筏和守望的片片,所以知道他们是两个人,嘿。。。。。。 -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/23/13 • 木筏载梨花果真是不同凡响! -swang20000- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/21/13 • 就张大嘴听吧! -不见人烟只见花- ♂ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/21/13 • 机场回来回帖@@@@@@@@@ -梨花侵梦- ♀ (465 bytes) (36 reads) 3/22/13 • 梨花一如既往的亮丽;木筏的声线圆润润的真是舒服。 -羊冈- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/22/13 • 谢谢羊!木筏的声音极其温暖,演唱技术一流。 -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/22/13 • 赞,太好了! -by心言- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/22/13 • 谢谢鼓励! -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/22/13 • 要不是梦圆我还没听过木筏大腕的歌,这首E歌很好听。 -songofspring- ♀ (0 bytes) (3 reads) 3/22/13 • 非常感谢春歌! -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/22/13 • 感觉梨花穿着演出服,像陈晓旭一样,在唱这首好深情大气的歌,二位大腕的E文太地道了 -beautifulwind- ♀ (110 bytes) (12 reads) 3/22/13 • 亲爱的美风,俺没被训练过啊,哈。。。。。。对,被木偶训练了。 -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/23/13 • 两位鹰歌唱得都太棒了,听得我肃然起敬,优美动人,舒展大气,狂赞两位默契好唱~!! -oukei49- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/22/13 • 问好OK! -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/23/13 • 梨花唱E就是棒,特别有感觉。第一次听木筏的歌,一听就是地道的大腕,真是好听! -紫秋- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/22/13 • 一直记得你给我推荐的优秀E歌,紫秋,抱抱! -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/23/13 • 好久不见,梨花和木筏唱的有现场感,很有艺术感染力! -big-guy- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/22/13 • 你这老朋友该不是第一次听了吧?你好吗?给你拜个晚晚年! -梨花侵梦- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/23/13 • 木筏 梨花 完美合声 -七零- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/23/13 • 鞠躬感谢七零! -梨花侵梦- ♀