《ANGEL》by TY,希望大家喜欢:))

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第一次听这首歌是因为电影《天使之城》,立刻着了迷。喜欢加拿大歌手Sarah Mclachlan的演绎。 希望各位同学和我一样喜欢这首歌.在好声音”上听到有学员唱起,带着摇滚味。我本人觉得这首歌还是安静地唱比较适合. 我的水平有限,只是尽量唱出自己的感觉,大家轻拍:



Spend all your time waiting 

for that second chance

for a break that would make it okay

there\'s always some reason

to feel not good enough

and it\'s hard at the end of the day

I need some distraction

oh beautiful release

memories seep from my veins

let me be empty

and weightless and maybe

I\'ll find some peace tonight

in the arms of the angel

fly away from here

from this dark cold hotel room

and the endlessness that you fear

you are pulled from the wreckage

of your silent reverie

you\'re in the arms of the angel

may you find some comfort here

so tired of the straight line

and everywhere you turn

there\'s vultures and thieves at your back

and the storm keeps on twisting

you keep on building the lies

that you make up for all that you lack

it don\'t make no difference

escaping one last time

it\'s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh

this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

in the arms of the angel

fly away from here

from this dark cold hotel room

and the endlessness that you fear

you are pulled from the wreckage

of your silent reverie

you\'re in the arms of the angel

may you find some comfort here

you\'re in the arms of the angel

may you find some comfort here
