Elizabeth Browning was a famous poet. “Mrs. Browning’s poems are, in all respects, the utterance of a woman—of a woman of great learning, rich experience, and powerful genius, uniting to her woman’s nature the strength which is sometimes thought peculiar to a man.”Her 1844 Poems inspired Robert Browning to write to her, telling her how much he loved her poems. Kenyon arranged for Robert Browning to meet Elizabeth in May 1845, and so began one of the most famous courtships in literature.(Source:Wikipedia)
除了欣赏,就是佩服。她的十四行诗歌, 永放着爱情的火花。 --closeby 评论于:2011-05-18 16:01:55
真的感谢你,多好的艺术世界。--澳洲阳光 评论于:2011-07-14 04:47:49