The 11th Annual Run for the Rose 5K & 1K Family Fun Run/Walk was held this morning at Reliant Park. The Run/Walk was sponsored by Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation ( to raise money for MD Anderson Cancer Center and Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital. The goal of this annual run is to raise half a million dollars ($500,000). We have surpassed the goal with $514,224 so far. The final number could be higher as more money is coming even after the race day. The generosities of ordinary people as well as some cooperatives are very touching. According to the Foundation website, “At MD Anderson, at least 3 clinical trials have resulted directly from our contributions. Funding of cutting-edge research and personalized therapy has enabled many brain tumor patients to live 5-6 years and more without recurrence and with a great quality of life.” Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation has helped many brain cancer patients and pediatric patients as well as families of those patients directly or indirectly.
This year’s event was especially bitter and sweet to me because Dr. Kelly DeScioli, one of my friends, died of brain cancer this January after 7 years of courageous battle with cancer. Kelly was a pediatrician and was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2005, just over one year after she got married. Kelly and I first met at my 1st Run for the Rose and we saw each other year after year thereafter. The run was so different this year without her presence. I met her mother last Tuesday at my institution when I picked up my running package. We both were in tears when we talked about Kelly. But, her mother reminded me of that Kelly had fought a good fight and ran the life race well. Kelly’s mother also thanked all brain cancer researchers and oncologists for what we have done to extend Kelly’s life. While Dr. Rose was afflicted with brain cancer in 2000, she lived less than 3 years. With new therapeutics developed afterwards, Kelly was able to benefit from those new treatments and lived around 7 years even though she was diagnosed with the same type of brain tumor as Dr. Rose. I hope that we could do more and pray that the progress will be a little faster.
As a participant, I ran well this year to complete 5K with 22:58 as the 1st place of my age group (female 45-49). I was tempted to give up this run as I started female monthly menstrual cycle yesterday and didn’t feel 100% of myself. Then, I thought about those cancer patients who have to go through treatment cycles after cycles. So, I decided to run anyway. This annual run will be my last time to stay at the age group of 45-49 since I will turn to 50 next month. Even though growing older in my age has multiple disadvantages, I am grateful for the opportunity to continue. Someone used to say “Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many”, which is so true. Pray that God will help me growing older gracefully.
Thank my dearest husband Min for taking photos during this event.
音乐《Chariots of Fire》