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莲花又被称为石莲掌、宝石花等,原产地是墨西哥,学名:Graptopetalum paraguayense,是多年生草本植物。叶片多肉厚实,叠加多层的叶片如同盛开的莲花,因此也被誉为“永不凋谢的花朵”。石莲花株形奇特,宛如玉石雕刻成的莲花座,华丽雅致,四季碧翠,深受大众的喜爱。


橘星花,英文名:Orange star flower,原产于南美洲。花的品种,特征,和养花的要点如下:

The orange star flower comes from Ecuador in South America. It can be grown in a greenhouse or home setting with very little care. Depending on the variety, these flowers can make good floor or shelf decor. The orange star flower is also easy to grow should you want more of them, as they produce their own spawn. Occasional inspection of the plant is recommended because this flower is susceptible to mold or scales caused by fungus or insets.

There are five different types of orange star flowers. These are the orange star zinnia, the orange star tecoma, the orange star jubilee, the orange star ornithgalum and the orange star guzmania lingulata.

All of the orange star flowers have similar appearance. The petals of the flower are bright orange. The center of the flower is an equally bright yellow. Each flower has a star shape to the overall bloom. The stems support a single flower each, although a single plant can produce multiple stems.

This is one of the variations of the different types of orange star flower. An example of the wide variation would be a comparison between the orange star tecoma, which grows up to 10 feet tall, and the orange start ornithgalum, which reaches a maximum height of only 12 inches.

All five variations of the orange star flower need little watering; the soil needs only to remain moist for the plant to thrive. Fertilization is needed about every two weeks and can be done with a misting spray of water with fertilizer mixed in. The orange star flower can be grown indoors and does best in moderate indirect sunlight. The plant needs a temperature range of 50 to 75 degrees F with high humidity because of its origins.

Use a rich potting soil, similar to what is used for African violets. Transfer any new plant to a new pot once you have it home. Place pebbles into a drainage dish, then place the pot onto the pebbles to ensure good drainage. You shouldn't drain the excess, as this will help the humidity level the orange star flower needs. Watch for offsets from May through July. These will have roots already with them. Cut these off with a sharp knife, taking the roots with them, from the mother plant and transplant them into their own pot.



