
Proud mama of 3, the little sweet pea is on her way~
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PTSD知识, 很多人经常把PTSDdepression1. 下面报告是记录Dr.G谈话内容和读完他给我的医学资料总结.  

Pls be advised that I'm not a MD or medical student, the following information does not substitute for advice or information provided by your physician, pls consult your physician for further information on specific medical conditions or symptoms that u may have..

什么是PTSD ?

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder是指亲身经历或看到traumatic event发生,特别是当生命受到死亡威胁后的1种延迟性压力反应. Traumatic event发生后的3月内出现symptom叫acute PTSD, 超过3月叫complex PTSD, 6月~2年以后才出现叫delayed onset PTSD, 如果不到1月就出现叫acute stress disorder. (我是属于acute PTSD)  

PTSD最早是在Vietnam veteran中被发现的, 1980正式写入DSM-III, 才引起世人的注意. Symptoms: nightmares, flashbacks, staying asleep, feelings of intense distress and Intense physical reactions when reminded of the trauma, Inability to remember important aspects of the trauma, irritability or outbursts of anger, loss of interest in activities and life, guilt or self-blame, anorexia, increased anxiety and emotional arousal, feeling detached from others and emotionally numb, feeling jumpy and easily startled, hypervigilance, depression and hopelessness, physical aches and pains, suicidal thoughts and feelings etc….


War, Natural disasters, Accident, Childbirth (baby blues is the typical symptom of PTSD, wow, unbelievable~!) School bullying, Physical abuse, Bereavement, Kidnapping, Terrorist attacks, Serious illness, etc. 

当人类面对死亡威胁时, 体内天生的trauma immunity就会自动释放出survival energies想要控制或抵挡体内所产生的residual energy. 但是如果traumatic event发生的太突然, 所产生的energy超过身体的承受量, 体内的residual energy无法被及时的释放, 反而被限制在神经系统里不停的做平恒, 最后导致抵挡机制失败, 身体和精神就会失去平恒.
Traumatic memories can’t be erased from the human brain but constantly reliving through nightmares or flashback, causes nervous system disorder & endocrine disorder etc.  Just imagine what happens if u press accelerator and brake at the same time? Psychosomatic manifestation as below:

1. Brain wave changes, Brain chemical reactions changes etc.
2. Sympathetic nervous system overreacting, Fright reaction increases, Sleep disorder, Neural hormonal changes, Stress reaction increases, Risk of depression increases etc.
3. Symptoms appear, headache, dyspepsia, compromised immunity system, dizziness etc.

1. Depression  
2. Social anxiety disorder
3. Eating disorder (anorexia or gluttony)
4. 任何人经历traumatic stress都会出现PTSD. 有人出现symptom很快, 也有人在几月或几年后才出现, 不出现并不代表不会出现,有些childhood的trauma, 直到成年后才爆发.
5. 有人只是轻微反应, 经过治疗很快就能恢复, 也有人经过几年都不能恢复. 相同情形却有不同的结果是和体 能, 基因及个性有关.

人脑的Hippocampus负责认知和记忆, Amygdala被称为brain’s fear center负责恐惧,惊吓, anxious的情绪反应, Cortisol是负责steroid hormone. 因为受到强大的惊吓刺激后, 人脑的原始生存本能为了保证身体的安全而做出“Fight (violent) vs. Run (autism, fear)”的选择. 


Traumatic event occurs --> Limbic system --> Hypothalamus-->
a) Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)--> Pituitary gland--> ACTH--> Adrenal Gland
b)Sympathetic Nervous System---> Adrenal Gland 

不管是经过a或b都会到达--> Adrenal Gland, 最后就会启动2个结果:
1. Fight-or-flight (also called freeze response or the acute stress response)
2. Cortisol----Steroid hormone release or termination of the action.
当Cortisol长期释放就会造成Hippocampus & Amygdala 不断缩小, 这是因为大脑在身体遇到死亡威胁时, 需要牺牲其他的部分来focus on “Fight vs. Run”选择, 应对大脑的命令, 身体所有的生理功能就会自动跳到最小运作量或者直接turn off.  如果人体大量消耗Cortisol就会造成diminution of physical strength & compromised immune system, 当人脑长期处在这样紧崩备战的情况, 就无法把注意力放到正常生活里, PTSD各种symptoms接着就会出现…..
1. Symptom经常在traumatic event后的几月或几年后才会出现, 失去事情的关连性
2. PTSD的人因为要逃避痛苦记忆, 就避免讲任何和traumatic event相关的人和事
3. 家人或朋友认为当事人绝对不会出现问题或者认为当事人自己就能解決问题
4. 其实baby blues就是很typical PTSD symptom, 可惜很小有人知道
5. 85% PTSD的人会发展成重度depression, anxiety neurosis 和其他病. 
6. PTSD是因为Brain chemical reaction changes, 单靠当事人“意志”是不可能改善的
7. Traumatic event
发生后3月内是防止发展成delayed onset PTSD的急救黃金時间.


1. Pressure release: Anxiety management, Relaxation training, Assertiveness training , Breathing retraining, Eye movement desensitization & reprocessing (EMDR), Positive thinking, Self-talking, Thought-stopping, Psychoeducation, Critical incidence stress debriefing etc.
2. Therapy: Cognitive processing therapy (CPT), Exposure therapy, Role play, Psychodrama,  Imaging rehearsal therapy, psychologicalde briefing, brief symptom inventory, Impact of event scale, Imaging rehearsal therapy etc.    
3. Medication: Anxiolytic, Antidepressants, Sleeping pills etc.

Recovery Period受影响的因素

1. Trauma 越激列,病征持续越长威胁就越大, 特别是面临过死亡威胁或财产损失超大
2. 当事人对情感挑战的综和应对能力.
3. 发生的Traumatic event对当事人的意义
4. 连续多次发生的Traumatic event要比单1发生, 需要更多时间恢复
5. Flexible working schedule, plenty of time to relax

Dr.G对我的治疗方式: Anxiety management, EMDR, Relaxation training, Thought stopping, Breathing retraining,Cognitive processing therapy, Role play, psychologicaldebriefing etc. 在我的recovery period他给我的assignment是Exposure therapy, Psychodrama & Stress tolerance test.

Side effects of Medication
爸爸在发现我的反常表现后, 立刻电话咨询Dr.K who holds a PhD in Neuroscience and works for my dad. 听了Dr.K的分析, 爸爸就要求我马上停止工作, 全力治疗防止发展到delayed onset PTSD. 虽然加入Medication 会让效果更快, 但在我的治疗全程中却没有使用, why? 
Medication就是用化学成份强压住脑神经, 虽然效果很快, side effect就是只要1停药, 被强压的脑电波就会强烈反跳, 这就是很多PTSD/ depression 的人在感觉病情好转时, 停药后却突然自杀的原因, 因为反跳能量已经超过脑神经能控制的力度. 这个现象就像皮球被强压到水中,等到1放开, 压的越深, 皮球就反弹越高. 所以最安全的治疗就是帮皮球扎个小洞, 再等皮球自己慢慢的放气, 而不是强压到水底…..
我每周做3次的acupuncture是因为要用物理方式强行刺激全身神经系统,帮助身体达到彻底放松和平恒, 增强PTSD治疗效果却没有任何side effects. 在recovery period, 按照Dr.G建议, 我把时间安排的很满, 很努力的转移excitation foci---跳舞, 骑马, 游泳, 学paragliding, 学diving, 而我家人也经常带着我到处旅行放松, 这也是我能很快就好的原因.

What’s different between PSTD and Depression?

很多人把PSTD和depression混合, 虽然2者之间overlap但发病起点却完全不同.

什么叫 Depression?

Depression from just feeling unhappy or sad, it’s like more intense, lasts longer and has a large negative impact on a person's life, symptoms are:

1. Depressed mood for almost every day and for the majority of the day.
2. Loss of interest or pleasure in activities.
3. Considerable weight loss or weight gain.
4. Difficulties falling asleep or sleeping too much.
5. Feeling worthless or guilty.
6. Difficulties concentrating and/or making decisions.
7. Feeling constantly on edge and restless or lethargic and "slowed down."
8. Thoughts of ending one's own life.
9. To be w/ a major depressive episode, a person must experience 5 of these all within the same 2 week period or longer.


PTSD comes from a traumatic event that has happened, it’s a mental injury not mental illness, the highlighting characteristic of PTSD is flashbacks to the traumatic event, it’s more anxiety than depression but curable. Depression can be caused by hormonal imbalances which affect the chemistry of the brain.

PTSD & Depression may be connected in a number of ways, 50% PTSD会出现current or past depression, PTSD的人要比其他人多7倍机会出现depression, 50% PTSD在发生traumatic event 2月之内就会出现depression symptoms.

Depression和PTSD的Overgeneral Autobiographical Memory (OGM) 的病理机制是完全不同的, Depression的OGM是因为执行功能受到损害而PTSD是情绪调节的影响而产生, PTSD的OGM和其他认知困难有重要的关连, 包括问题解决的能力受损, etc.

Depression的人多数都曾经有过traumatic experiences, 这是因为PTSD的各种symptoms出现会让当事人的身体变的很弱, 心理也很容易和家人和朋友detached or disconnected, 这样就很容易会发展到depression….

尽量不要遇到traumatic event的机会….
Depression:个性, 基因, 天气都可能是trigger depression的原因. Depression就像cancel cell都是天生就存在人体, 根本就不能消除, 只有转移注意力. Dr.G说最有效的方法就像运动那样硬把逼出来, 勇敢的把心中的害怕”, “伤心”, “痛苦讲出来或写下来, 当你把心里最不想让人知道的“trash”扫出来, 你就离depression更远1. 不要害怕嘲笑, 因为嘲笑你的那个心里同样也堆了很多“trash”, 除非是robot!


PTSD是面对死亡威胁, 人脑的自我保护和抵制机能失败后的延迟性压力反应, 跟个人的体能和个性无关. 因为任何人在经历traumatic event后都会出现或强或弱的PTSD, 参加过战争的veteran的体能和心理素质都是经过专业的高强度训练, 比多数的人更强, 但为什么还是会出现PTSD? 那是因为直到今天, “死亡仍然是人类无法承受的最大恐惧点!

Depression是跟个性及体能有关, 1种长期困在悲伤难过的情绪中 (也许是因为个性, 生活压力或者是天气) 而让hormone imbalance and then affect the chemistry of the brain.


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温馨秋月 发表评论于
very educational!
5043 发表评论于
I appreciate your sharing so much. It is very informational and mind wakening.I personally know of someone who is going through PTSD at the moment and you have helped me undestand him a lot better.Thanks again!
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