Random Things About Me

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1. I spent my childhood at a military compound in Shanxi. When I was 15, our family moved to Changsha

2. I am the mother of one.  I am making effort to get one more.

3. I have a B.A. in Accounting and Business Administration.

4. I love seafood and vietnamese noodle.

5. My favorite color is blue and purple.

6. I don't like writing, I prefer blogging, the not writing part.

7. I am good at typing, knitting, and making crafts.

8. I worry way much.

9. I do my family tax return.

10. I like reading the fashion trend section on wenxuecity

11. I am good at starting things, but I am horrible at finishing things.

12. I think humor is the highest form of intelligence. I enjoy being around with people who has such a character.

13. I am working on harmony, happiness, being self-improve.

14. There is more about me, I will add later.
