儿子的信: 来自母亲的爱

A Love From a Mom



  Unfailing love and unending commitment are traits that I know only Christ can embody. For people like us, these traits come and go, slip between our fingers, as we attempt with our human nature to do things that are supernatural. God’s love and commitment through Christ is exactly supernatural, and by even God’s standards, awesome.


  Firstly, God’s unfailing love has been shown all throughout all time, as Paul wrote in Ephesians that “He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world” [1]. Even before the foundation of creation, God’s heart and mind conceived of a people that he would love unfailingly throughout all time, even before they manifested themselves physically. What is just as stunning is that God has an unending commitment towards his people.


  For I am assured that “neither death nor life, nor angels nor rules, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” [2]. God never lets go of the ones that He loves, even if we decide to turn our backs like the rebellious children we can so often be. As a good father would discipline, raise, and nurture children of honor, integrity, and character, even more so does our heavenly Father do the same for his children.


  But why am I beginning with an excerpt of God’s love and commitment in a letter to my mom on Mother’s Day? Should not the main subject of this letter be to my mom, who tirelessly raised me with undying commitment? Should not the main subject of this letter be to my mom, who loved both my sister and I even when fighting for that love became near impossible? My hope is that by the end of this letter, you may realize that my mom is the closest human embodiment of God’s love and steadfastness that I know.


 To start, my mom wakes up at 6 AM daily to walk Teddie at P Park. She loves Teddie so much, even though she had to put up with his unwanted excrements inside the house when he was younger. The simple fact of having put up with Teddie and then spending so much time with him just goes to show that her love does not only extend towards people and that it is not a short fuse; instead, it goes to even the animals in her care and causes her to be very slow to anger, just like her Jesus. 



  My mom’s love is also shown to her church and cell group, as she never fails to be hospitable to hosting celebrations and brightening up the mood to those around her. I can tell, even by cursory glances, that she makes a big deal in her friends’ lives. She has shown them love even when their lives have been difficult, even when personality clashes and obstructive psychological walls have been erected to protect from the risks of intimacy. My mom has a keen and uncanny ability to see through people’s walls and minister, although maybe unintentionally, to their pains with her glowing smile and friendly hospitality.


  My dad has been especially blessed with my mom’s love. In conversations with my dad, he liked joking about how my mom was not the sharpest tool in the shed, but that she undoubtedly had the biggest heart in the family. My dad experienced her love from across the world because as he worked in China on a startup business, my mother was still in the states to take care of two difficult children. Even though my dad was not able to be in the presence of her love in the states, he was able to see her love and commitment to his family manifest itself in the short daily phone calls that they shared. He was able to tune into the great things that God was doing through her in the love and strength she exhibited in her family. Ten thousand kilometers was not able to separate the ten thousand sacrifices and deeds that my mom blessed with her love.


  My sister has been one of the primary recipients of our mom’s love. She will not be afraid to admit that she has given our mom an incredibly hard time in raising her up in character, intellect, and safety. Many times they have fought, many times my sister and I have fought, but even amidst a hostile atmosphere, my mother was able to not only hang on to her love towards her daughter, but overcome fear, anxiety, and sorrow through prayer and following Christ’s exemplary love. I think that the primary reason of my sister’s wellbeing and peace is, besides the work of God, is my mom’s steadfast love and care.



  Finally, it has been an honor for me to be under the care, authority, love, endurance, character, humor, and grace of my wonderful mom. Her overall personality has never failed to strike me with serendipity and every moment with her has been joyful. Her personality has been molded first and foremost by the Holy Spirit and His indwelling and through that molding and shaping the Holy Spirit has had so many opportunities to show Himself through my mom’s bold love.


  When my mom told me that she wanted to do ministry and bring Christ’s light to China, I could not think of a better woman to do the job. Sure my mom does not have Bible school training nor does she have ordination in any churches, but her sheer example of care and love for people has proven to me that she will be a great minister of the good news in a place that so desperately needs it. I know she will be used powerfully and make a great impact in the lives of people there as she has made such a huge impact on the lives of people here.


I love you mom, and this letter is my admiration for the love that you poured out into your community, friends, and family. Happy Mother’s Day; have fun, you deserve it.





  母亲节到来之际,我想,收获一份来自儿女的祝福和感谢,是每一位母亲从心底期盼的礼物,它比任何花钱买来的礼品都更显珍贵。抚育孩子成长,使他们行在当行 的道上不偏离,这是上帝托付给父母管家的责任。那么,在母亲节这天,孩子们如何表达他们对母亲的爱,他们说出的话语,就是一份对我们平时管教的回馈。

  一年一度的父亲节,母亲节,感恩节等表达感恩的节日,我都会要求孩子们写出点真情实感的文章,借此表达对生活的感恩,对生养他的父母感谢。不是说我想听表 扬的话,(当然如果他们说了,我会十分高兴),更主要的是,以我喜爱写作的人看来,心里想一想,嘴里说一说,和整理思想然后写成文字,是截然不同和天壤之 别的差异。有爱,要表达出来,不在乎多少,而在乎一份感恩的心。

  今年的母亲节,说实话我没有要求儿子写关于母亲节的文章。一来他已经步入大学,课业繁重,尤其这个月是Final 考试,复习很紧张;二来孩子已成人了,世界观已经形成,该做什么和不该做什么,如何去做,怎样做好,他完全自己把握。

  母亲节的早上,我刚打开电脑,儿子就上来与我Skype, 我们象平时一样,随便聊了些关于他考试的话题,然后就各自在网上忙碌自己的事情。我心中纳闷,这个母亲节,难道儿子忘记了吗?怎么没有说一句“母亲节快 乐”给我?五分钟后,儿子给我的邮箱里送了份文件。我打开一看,题目是:“A Love like Christ's” - 象耶稣的爱。


  我的爱,当然不可能与耶稣之大爱相比,但是我喜爱儿子写给我的这封信,也愿意分享给友人。但是,我把题目改了,变成”A love from a Mom”。



雨前茶 发表评论于
好感动~ 从儿子的脸上看到和妈妈一样的灿烂笑容 ^_^