儿子在2012年11月3日在最后一场football比赛LVCP Hawks vs. Sequoia.进攻时光荣受伤-事发当时当时Max被对方身形高大的球员撞倒并压断左腿, Max 当场痛得哭了起来。送医急救,医生诊断左小腿腓骨骨折,庆幸的是踝关节没受伤,无需手术,过3-6个月骨头长上了就能恢复。 星期一早上Max穿了boot,拄了双拐到学校上课,像英雄似的备受老师同学的关注,收到很多礼物和卡片。 原以为儿子会因为受伤放弃打球,没想到他说等我的腿好了,明年还要参加football team。看着儿子在参加运动比赛中慢慢变得成熟,坚强,勇敢,做父母心痛之余也觉得欣慰。
Brave parents! Most of the Chinese parents I knew are scared to death when their sons play football.
I wish more Chinese boys play contact sports like football to change the "chinaman" image.
Football is the most structured team sport that requires tremendous discipline, leadership, intelligence, toughness and desire to win. It teaches all the valuable life lessons.