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这里再分享一个故事。一天到一初中。中饭吃饭时间很想和学生聊一下天,就选了一个座位,与学生一起吃饭。两个白人学生,五个亚裔,一个黑学生一桌。我打开话题说了一连串笑话。逗得两个白,两个亚裔哈哈大笑。五个亚裔中的另一个问我,why were you acting like that? 答,I were not acting, I am just like that! A silly, billy person. 然后大家问我,where are from?答 China。 Most of them said how come? 问为什么? 你们不喜欢吗? They all said just never met any teachers acting like that before. They all liked it and hope I stay there for every. I said unfortunately can not, but definitely will be back. 其中一个亚裔,last name looks like Chinese name. 说要是她妈妈有一点象我就好了。我说I Wish too! 那天放学时,main office people told me two boys reported to the office I am the funniest teacher they ever have, ask me consider working in their school permanently. I teased may be I will. 这个故事,说明学生在家里真的有时需要一个轻松的环境。如果家长要是silly 一些,没准就可以拉近和自己孩子的距离。孩子们真的需要一个比较轻松,自由的环境,才能减小各种压力。以利于更好的学习和成长!

YellowWitch 发表评论于
好呀! 这是在考验本人的想像力有多丰富? 哈,本人头大,脑子有的是空间!
虎哥龙弟 发表评论于
虽然还没有全部读完您的文章, 但有一种想全部浏览,不能放下的的欲望. 感谢您的第一手信息. 请继续畅谈您的感想.