Been a little aggrasive is helping your kids some times!

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小女在连续两天none of your business 调教之下晚饭桌上仍委屈报怨one of the girls still didn't let her go. 本人一发火,道,这是最后通牒。教于一招制敌与死法。过了明天,不允许提那斯名字,否则不用去学校了。如果在小学都这么困难应付,初中你就无法survive了。于是,教了她看家本事。一,If she too close to you, tell her you have germs will get her sick. You love her but don't want her to be sick. So stay away from me, please! 二,If she say anything to you no matter good or bad about somebody, just say oh yeah! And ignore it. 这样你就safe 了。不许胡乱传话。正好report card 到了。抓起一条following direction was 3 。哈,看,知道为什么了吧! 大部分时间精力都去听某个人或事了,instead of teachers. 自己反省。从下个quarter 起,这条决不能是3而要4. 还委屈,道姐姐得4是因为nothing to say to friends or has no friends.....。答stop!!!那没听见到她任何抱怨,so, 少说话,不然就像姐姐一样不说话,又可拿好分,又自己不难受。that is Better choice for you!去吧,试一下最后一击,再不行。老娘要发邮给老师说你解决不了和同学的矛盾给你time out 如何。答,ok! I will do whatever you said tomorrow! 答,good! 这则故事说明if your kid too sweet for somebody, she or he doesn't deserve it, it is better way to be a little aggressive. That will help your kid out of trouble and prevent been involving in even bigger trouble in future!
