也想说“别再让你母亲影响你了”。我知道说着容易,做着难。我也从小受强势母亲的控制影响。为她做违心的选择,又生她气。恶性循环。是我先生几年来一直跟我说“you give her the power to control you". 我听了这么多年后,终于有一天明白了。我做的对与错,好与坏,都不是由她的认可不认可来裁决的。从此,觉得自由了。觉悟的有点儿晚,那时我都三十几了。
回复天边的蔷薇的评论: thank you very much, I'm sure something wrong with my brian physically, but never done a blood test for that. When you are depressed, it's difficult to take action.
丫头身子小姐命 发表评论于
天边的蔷薇 发表评论于
I really really understand how you feel.... If you are clinically depressed, it is most likely due to the imbalance of serotonin level in your brian. Regular exercise and doing things that you truly enjoy to do can boost your serotonin level and bring it to balance... I hope you get well and be happy, happy and happy. Take care!