前些天写了海明威与菲兹杰罗,周末也看了新电影『伟大的盖茨比』,很想说说现实生活中Francis Scott Fitzgerald的太太Zelda, 这部音乐剧正是根据我在读的『Zelda』改编。在双鱼座的我眼里,没有好人坏人,成功与失落。。。更不要让我选择是站在Scott一边还是Zelda一边!近百年来,一代又一代的人还为他们着迷,盼望参加一场“盖茨比的舞会”。
看到剧中“The doctor said it was cardiomyopathy (he died of a heart attack) ”, 我落泪了,心里替他说下一句,I prefer to think it as a broken heart!
Zelda自己的小说名为【Save me the Waltz】, 她痴痴地等待Scott共舞最后的华尔兹。。。
不多写了,有空看看这部两小时的音乐剧吧!It is just like their life - dramatic and fascinating!
君为我醉, 我为卿狂 - Zelda & Scott Fitzgerald, a musical-京燕花园- ♀ (2588 bytes) () 6/6/13
Thank you 燕子班长for recommending this, sounds interesting!:)-sportwoman- ♀ (0 bytes) (7 reads) 6/6/13
We are still trying to put the broken hearts together: theirs and ours.Thanks Xiaoman, hope you like the show.人生如戏,戏如人生。-京燕花园- ♀ (158 bytes) (5 reads) 6/6/13
这次去梵蒂冈前特意找到你的文章看了受益匪浅。幸亏看了你的贴决定去梵蒂冈了,感觉非常震撼,比角斗场震撼多了!谢谢! -好学又好问- ♀ (68 bytes) (7 reads) 6/6/13
I am so happy for you! 那里是艺术瑰宝精神圣殿.Hope You had a wonderful trip-京燕花园- ♀ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 6/6/13
It is a "crazy" post, yet so beautiful and sentimental. No wonder people call it " the beautiful and the damned" just like Fitzgerald's book. What else can we do on a day like this? 想起那首歌,爱人的心是玻璃做的。Years later, we are still trying so hard to put together their broken hearts and our own...