
有时候,仿佛在冥冥之中,你就被connect to something that you used to be so much into,却又似乎离现在很遥远。于是你一下子被拉入过去,带着那种曾经的感觉,和些许被时间刻划后的不一样。

这次对我,是Richard Marx。那个曾经让我如此心动的歌手。而这么十来年,我却几乎没有听他的歌,甚至想到他。昨天和儿子出去,聊天的时候,突然提到他,说我是多么地喜欢他,那首"Right Here Waiting"甚至被我唱给儿子作催眠曲。更奇的是,今天晚上,我们在家里坐着各看各的电脑,恶霸阿德在youtube上随意找歌,不经意地说,”嘿,这里有首歌,是你的偶像唱的,记得你以前好喜欢!“然后放给我听,又是那首"Right Here Waiting"!

时光仿佛就这么回到十几年前了。我和恶霸还被大洋隔开,就像歌词oceans apart, day after day... 

Richard Marx, 那个拨动我心弦的歌喉和音乐。这是他80年代刚出名时的样子。还记得他在mv里面深情地弹着钢琴唱那首歌的样子,看他那80年代的big hair, :)

他的深情和真诚的演绎,总是那么打动我。他的嗓音有点那种很sexy的沙声。他的"Now and Forever", 也是当年的hit。Richard Marx,除了好几个hit外,还是个很成功的音乐人,并且和"Dirty Dancing"的角色扮演者Cynthia Rohde结婚已20余载, 妻子嫁给他后就退休专心养育他们的孩子。他的音乐在分类上是pop和classic rock。

这是他现在的样子,clean cut,sincere.

除了人人皆知的Right Here Waiting,这首"Now and Forever”也是当年的大hit。今天翻出来听,湿了眼角。

Whenever I'm weary from the battles that rage in my head
You make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread
I lose my way but still you seem to understand
Now and forever I will be your man.

Sometimes I just hold you
Too caught up in me to see
I'm holding a fortune that heaven has given to me
I'll try to show you each and every way I can
Now and forever I will be your man

Now I can rest my worries and always be sure
That I won't be alone anymore
If I'd only known you were there all the time
All this time

Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand
Now and forever I will be your man
Now and forever I will be your man

taro_g 发表评论于
Richard Marx is one of my fav. too. :)

Thanks for sharing.