26 percent of black men while only 9 percent of black women marry outside of their race.
Crucially, upon closer examination, the interracial marriage rates demonstrate that America is still far from a colorblind society. As Pew explained in a 2012 study, on closer inspection there are differences along gender, geography, education and class lines. In 2010, 26 percent of black men and 36 percent of Asian women (compared with 9 percent of black women and 17 percent of Asian men) marry outside of their races. Twenty-two percent of interracial marriages took place in the West, compared with 14 percent in the South.
Additionally, 42 percent of white men/Asian women married couples both went to college, compared with 20 percent of white/Hispanic married couples and 17 percent of white/black married couples. A look at earnings also reveals racial and gender differences: the median combined income of white/Asian couples is $70,952, compared with $53,187 for white/black married couples.
Is Interracial Marriage Still Scandalous?