今年六月10-16号是美国的男性健康周. 适逢父亲节也在这一周。
- 有好的睡眠
- 戒烟
- 经常锻炼
- 饮食健康
- 控制减少压力
- 按期看家庭医生
美国议员Bill Richardson与1994年有一段话:
因为男人对太太,母亲,女儿,姐妹所带来的影响,早期诊断和预防 男性疾病不光是男性个人的问题,而是个家庭整体成员的问题。
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a number of resources and steps men can take to improve their health including:
- Get good sleep
- Quit smoking
- Exercise often
- Eat healthy
- Manage stress
- See your primary care provider regularly
Men’s Health Is A Family Issue
To quote Congressman Bill Richardson (Congressional Record, H3905-H3906, May 24, 1994):
“Recognizing and preventing men’s health problems is not just a man’s issue.
Because of its impact on wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters, men’s health is truly a family issue.”
From http://www.menshealthmonth.
Dates for Men’s Health Week
June 10-16, 2013 | June 15-21, 2015 | June 12-18, 2017 |
June 9-15, 2014 | June 13-19, 2016 | June 11-17, 2018 |