下面这个视频解释了nutrition approach 和 medical approach(西方)“治病”的不同。
Resolving the Health Care Crisis: T. Colin Campbel
megchen 发表评论于
以下关于土豆汁的描述就是摘自Dr Norman Walker所著的Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices这本书,我再贴一遍。
The raw potato contains easily digestible natural sugars which upon cooking, are converted into starch. Potatoes should be omitted from the diet of those suffering from venereal diseases and those afflicted with aphrodisiac tendencies. The combination of cooked meat and potatoes intensifies the solanine poison of the potato(an alkaloid poison more particularly prevalent in potatoes too green in colour), which has an affinity for the nerves controlling the sexual organs; this, together with presence of uric acid crystals resulting from the ingestion of meat, may cause excessive irritation of these organs.
The juice of raw potatoes, however, has proved very beneficial in clearing up skin blemishes. This cleansing is due to the high content of potassium, sulphur, phosphorus, and chlorine in the potato. These elements, however, are only of value when potato is raw, in which state they are composed of live organic atoms. When the potato is cooked, these are converted into inorganic atoms, as such, they are of little or no value for constructive purposes.
Fresh raw-raw organically grown potatoes are very palatable to eat, many people do like them and they are unquestionable a good food.
Raw potato juice has proved to be very healthy cleanser of the system and to be very beneficial, particularly in combination with carrot juice.
The juice of raw potatoes, combined with that of carrot and celery, is a boon to those suffering from gastric, never, and muscle disturbance, such as gout and sciatica. In such cases, one pint of this combination in addition to one pint of carrot, beet, and cucumber juice daily, has often given complete relief from these discomforts in a surprisingly short time, provided that meat, fowl, and fish were eliminated completely from the diet.
Some emphysema victims have been helped and found relief in using a combination of carrot, parsley and raw potato juices.
megchen 发表评论于
"建议先生多了解一下plant nutrition"_---好像英文又不对,想要说的是raw fresh vegetable and fruits里面含有什么营养物。
在Dr Norman Walker所著的Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices 这本书里,他很详细地解说了各种各样的Fresh Vegetable and Fruit 含有什么样的矿物质,维生素,活性酶,对人体有什么好处等等。我读了后真是大开眼界。这人是西方榨汁和raw food 的先行者。您要是照着这本书试试里面的raw fresh juices,你问我的那些问题就能自己找到答案了。
raw food在西方已风行很久了,我个人认为raw Vegetable(沙拉或榨汁)确实吃(喝)下去感觉身轻气爽,能感觉能量在血管里流动,所以能充分理解为什么juices在The Gerson Therapy 里会起巨大作用。
建议先生多了解一下plant nutrition.如果您有兴趣的话,在The China Study 这本书里有一个动植物食物营养的对比表,一目了然。再想想我们维持良好健康所需的营养物,您就会明白为什么了juices 这么powerful了。我说的powerful是指它们所含的营养物丰富,新鲜,能被人体快速吸收。
"Juices may not killed cancer cell directly, but it can change the patients body to a better condition to conquer cancer, at the same time provide them with a lot of important nutritions for recovery. ......"
您不可以用中文回复吗?要是打算练习英文的话,请注意助动词MAY的后面动词是原型。 从30年代就有文章或书籍指出某些观点,不代表那些观点没有被后人否定。喝新鲜的果汁蔬菜汁是有提供营养的作用,但这和治病差得远呢。要不然喝粥吃馒头也可以叫治病,因为它可以“provides a lot of important nutritions for recovery"
你说某物可以治病,就要提出可靠的证据来说服人。象前面云山石说土豆汁治疗癌症没有临床数据,你的回复就用了无法判定的“POWER” 和“IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THIS TREATMENT” 来辩解。这个FACTOR有多重要? 不喝的话,或者喝煮熟的蔬菜汤和肉汤就死亡率更高?存活期更短? 问题不是我不信,是你无法自圆其说。
Now more and more young people get cancer in wealthy countries, how to explain?
Even in China, just a decade ago, the cancer rate was much lower than the current one.
megchen 发表评论于
If people say, cancer is just a natural disease, and the longer you live the more posibility you will get it. I can not agree with it. People used to say exactly the same thing about heart disease, but it proved to be a nonsense.
megchen 发表评论于
Can you explain why those most developed and wealthy coutries in the world are having the highest cancer rate?
Short life span was caused by many factors. Morden medical practice has done a great deal in prolong people's life span in the world, no doubt of it. But for curing cancer, what it can do more?
My logical is medicine may not be the approach to prevent and cure cancer like it has done with many other dieases.
Cancer was not so common before 1800. It's called life style disease. What's that mean?
Food pays a very important role in our life style, doesn't it? If people don't seek the solution from what caused cancer, we may never cure it.
Let food be our medicine.
megchen 发表评论于
The healing power of raw fresh juices have been proved by many people in the world since 1930's. Please read extensively on this topic. If you don't even have a juicer or try them by yourself then you made the judgement on whether it's 可以治病 or not, I think it is ignorant.
What's so called 治病? No wonder people say that conventional western medical methods only can treat syptoms not cause of the disease.
Juices may not killed cancer cell directly, but it can change the patients body to a better condition to conquer cancer, at the same time provide them with a lot of important nutritions for recovery.
If you only think medicine can cure cancer, we won't have any common ground to talk about this topic.
Think about how most people got the cancer at the first place, and which countries have highest cancer rate in the world? then think about expecting medicine can save their livies is practical or not? For me, it sounds ridiculous. Cancer indeed has very close relationship with diet and nutrition.
零不是数 发表评论于
“I have never said potato juice can cured cancer 100%. But I personally belive it might have the possibility.”
“Have you ever tried to test freshly made juice from vegggies and fruits? Have you personally feel the power of fresh juices? ” 这样的做法是神农尝百草的翻版。 这种“POWER” 如何界定?如何证明其有无或强弱?
Will provide a long list of books I have read in the past 10 years about nutrition for those ignorant and arogant people.
Read them first, them we can be at the same level to talk about nutition.
swm06 发表评论于
megchen 发表评论于
Sorry for your ignornace!
Have you ever tried to test freshly made juice from vegggies and fruits? Have you personally feel the power of fresh juices?
I have never said potato juice can cured cancer 100%. But I personally belive it might have the possibility. Can you fully explain the function of all the Chinese Herb medicine? Provide you called sicientific proof? But a lot of them works on patients, right?
I mentioned The Gerson Therapy because juices are important factor in this treatment. They are very powerful.
Don't use your own ignornance to judge me personally. Otherwise, I will do the same to you!
Max Gerson (October 18, 1881 – March 8, 1959) was a German physician who developed the Gerson Therapy, an alternative dietary therapy, which he claimed could cure cancer and most chronic, degenerative diseases. Gerson described his approach in the book A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. However, when Gerson's claims were examined by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), they found that his records lacked the basic information necessary to systematically evaluate his claims. The NCI concluded that his data showed no benefit from his treatment.[1] The therapy is scientifically unsupported and potentially hazardous